Claiming compensation for multiple injuries

Man with broken leg and arm on sofa

Over 40%* of personal injury claimants have suffered more than one injury. Calculating compensation for multiple injuries involves a detailed assessment process and injury compensation amounts are not simply added together.

We explain the process of making a multipole injuries claim and how you can calculate your likely compensation award.

What are the multiple injury statistics?

Although the HSE and RoSPA publish injury statistics, there are no nationally-compiled database of multiple injury statistics.

However, *Quittance Legal Services carried out a survey of 40,000 claimants. The survey revealed that over 40% of personal injury claimants experienced more than one injury in a single accident.

This figure is concerning, as multiple injuries tend to be associated with more serious accidents, and particularly road accidents involving vulnerable road users.

How does the law define 'multiple injuries'?

There isn't a strict legal definition of "multiple injuries". Generally speaking, you are likely to have sustained multiple injuries if you suffered:

  • more than one injury or illness to more than one part of the body.
  • an injury that has then left a scar.
  • in addition to a physical injury, a psychological injury such as post-traumatic stress.
  • an injury or illness that has then caused a long-term health condition or other complications.

Do I have a multiple injury claim?

If you were over 18 years old when you were injured, you should be eligible to make a compensation claim if your injuries happened:

  • in the last 3 years, and;
  • someone else was to blame, and;
  • that person owed you a duty of care.

The 3-year rule does not apply to minors.

A claim can be pursued for anyone under the age of 18 by a parent, guardian or litigation friend. The injured child has up to the age of 21 to start a multiple injuries claim on their own behalf.

How much compensation can I claim if I sustained multiple injuries?

The amount of money you could claim for multiple injuries will depend on:

  • the type and severity of your injuries,
  • the effect the multiple injuries have has on your life, and
  • any financial losses or costs you have incurred.

Calculating how much compensation you can claim for multiple injuries can be complicated.

Our injury compensation calculator tells you if you may have a claim, how much compensation you could claim for multiple injuries, and what you can claim for.

Multiple Injuries compensation calculator

Find out how much compensation you could claim in just a few minutes. Check your legal eligibility and see if you qualify for a No Win, No Fee claim.

Updated February 2025 Compensation Calculator v3.1

General damages are awarded for pain, suffering and loss of amenity (PSLA). Awards for general damages are set by the Judicial College ( and published in their guidelines for personal injury awards.

Special damages is compensation for quantifiable financial losses you've incurred as a result of your multiple injuries Compensation can include loss of earnings (including future anticipated earnings loss), retraining costs, career trajectory impact, and any additional expenses directly related to your injury.

These damages will also cover any medical or treatment bills, such as diagnostic tests, surgery, physiotherapy and pain management treatments.

Read more:

A complete list of recoverable losses in a personal injury claim

How is compensation calculated if I have multiple injuries?

How is compensation calculated if I have multiple injuries?

If you have sustained multiple injuries, the compensation amounts are not simply added together.

The upper bracket of the most serious injury may be considered as a starting point, with an additional amount applied for the other less severe injuries.

Multiple injuries example:

General damages for a serious back injury could be around £30,000.

For a minor shoulder injury, you would typically receive £5,200.

However, if you suffered both a serious back injury and a more minor shoulder injury, you would typically receive £30,000 + a smaller percentage of £5,200.

How do the courts calculate multiple injuries compensation?

The general principle is that compensation for multiple injuries is calculated on a case-by-case basis. The actual award may be more or less than the sum total of what would be awarded for the individual injuries, depending on the overall impact on a claimant's life.

In a key Court of Appeal decision on multiple injuries compensation, Lord Justice Sir Christopher Pitchford said:

"It is always necessary to stand back from the compilation of individual figures... to consider whether the award for pain suffering and loss of amenity should be greater than the sum of the parts in order properly to reflect the combined effect of all the injuries upon the injured person’s recovering quality of life or, on the contrary, should be smaller than the sum of the parts in order to remove an element of double counting."

Pitchford LJ added:

"In some cases, no doubt a minority, no adjustment will be necessary because the total will properly reflect the overall pain, suffering and loss of amenity endured. In others, and probably the majority, an adjustment and occasionally a significant adjustment may be necessary."

How will the overall effect of my injuries affect the total compensation?

The total award for a multiple injuries compensation claim will not be less than the total award for the most serious injury a claimant has suffered. However, the multiple injuries total may only be slightly more if the effect of the other injuries on a person's life is minimal.

If the effect of multiple injuries on someone's life is significant, the award will reflect this. The award may be considerably greater if a claimant's multiple injuries collectively affect their quality of life much more than if they had sustained the injuries individually.

How long does a multiple injuries claim take?

There is no inherent reason why a multiple injuries claim should take longer, but it will depend on the facts of the case. Delays could occur if:

  • The defendant disagrees with how the total compensation amount is calculated.
  • The full extent of your injuries and/or the impact on your life is not yet known.

If liability is accepted, a straightforward multiple injury claim could be settled in a couple of months. If liability is denied, the process can take longer. Typically, an injury claim takes between 4 and 9 months, although clinical negligence claims take often take longer to complete.

Multiple injuries from work accidents

If you have suffered multiple injuries in a workplace accident, you should be entitled to claim compensation.

According to Quittance’s recent survey, 29% of work accident claims involve multiple injuries. Reasons why workplace multiple injury claims are less common than the overall average for personal injuries of 43% include:

  • Work injuries caused by a defective tool or faulty protective equipment (PPE) may affect only a specific part of the body.
  • Work-related illness claims usually relate to specific conditions, such as RSI, carpal tunnel and hand-arm vibration syndrome.

Read more:

Claiming work accident compensation

Multiple injuries from road accident claims

63% of road accident claimants report they suffered multiple injuries, according to our recent survey.

Due to the traumatic nature of collisions on the road, road accident claims for multiple injuries are common.

Vulnerable road users, including pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists, can sustain multiple, serious injuries in an impact with even a slow-moving vehicle.

Drivers and passengers, although less at risk of serious injury, are still likely to suffer multiple injuries including neck, back and shoulder injuries, wrist fractures and post-traumatic stress.

Read more:

Claiming road accident compensation

No win, no fee injury compensation claims

With no win, no fee, you can claim injury compensation without financial risk. If your claim isn't successful, you pay nothing. If you win, you only pay a pre-agreed percentage of your compensation.

Find out more about how no win, no fee claims work

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Injury FAQ's

Why do most claims never go to court?

Solicitors settle the vast majority of claims out of court.

Less than 2% of personal injury claims go to court. Generally, only very complex cases, or those where liability cannot be resolved, end up in court.

Cases that do ultimately go to court are decided by a judge or magistrate, not a jury.

Even if the claim does go to court, it is very unlikely you will have to attend.

Can I claim for someone else?

Yes. In certain circumstances, it is possible to claim compensation on behalf of another person in the capacity of a 'litigation friend'.

If an injured person is either too young or vulnerable, too injured or otherwise unable to claim on their own behalf, their litigation friend can handle the claim process on behalf of the injured person.

The litigation friend will be responsible for communicating with the solicitors, and for making decisions in respect of the claim.

Read more:

Claiming on behalf of another person.

Can I claim if I feel I was partly responsible for my accident?

Yes. You may still be able to claim compensation even if your actions may have contributed to the accident.

However, if you were partly to blame (known as contributory negligence), your compensation may be reduced and it may be more difficult to prove liability.

Read more:

Claiming compensation if you were partly responsible for an accident.

How long do I have to make an injury claim?

In general, you have a time limit of up to 3 years from the date of the injury to make an injury claim.

The last date you can make a claim is known as the claim limitation date - after which your injury claim becomes 'statute barred'.

Can I claim for an injury after 3 years?

Possibly. The general rule for adults is that a claim must be started within three years.

However, the three-year countdown starts on the day you learned of your injury or illness. This will usually be the date of the accident, but could be the date your doctor gave you a diagnosis.

If you were injured as a child, you do have up until your 21st birthday to make a claim.

There other circumstances that can also impact the limitation date. Call us now on 0800 376 1001 to find out if you are still able to claim injury compensation.

In reality, there are a number of factors that can affect whether an injury claim will be taken on by a solicitor.

Will I need to meet my solicitor face to face?

Claims for multiple Injuries are conducted remotely. This means you won't have to travel to your solicitor's office when making a claim.

A friendly advisor will talk to you about what happened on a brief phone call. Your advisor can then confirm if you may have a claim, but there is no obligation to proceed.

When you decide to go ahead, the next step is to discuss your case with a personal injury solicitor. Your solicitor will handle every stage of your claim and will be there to answer any questions you have.

I need the money now - what are my options?

If you are unable to work and have bills to pay, you may be able to claim an interim compensation payment.

An interim payment is an advance on your compensation payment. Any amount you receive in interim payments would be deducted from your final compensation payment.

Read more:

How can I claim an interim compensation payment?

Howard Willis, Personal injury solicitor

Howard Willis, Personal injury solicitor