Injury Claim Case Studies and Examples
Personal injury client stories are a good way for potential claimants to see how claims were settled.
The case examples featured on this site include details of the accident circumstances, the type of injury, the capacity of the defendant and the amount of compensation received by the claimant.
Latest case studies:
£75,000 awarded to biker injured in junction collision
The motorcyclist suffered multiple fractures in a collision with a driver who failed to give way at a junction. The driver argued that they were not at fault, but the claimant's solicitor successfully fought the case and won.
Read this case studyMr W awarded £80,000 for a catastrophic hand injury
Quittance panel solicitor Kevin walker secured £80,000 for Mr W, a construction worker, who was involved in an accident at work. Mr W was injured at work when he reversed an asphalt compact roller into a stationary digger, which was not in use but had a raised bucket.
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£13,800 Awarded for Legionnaires Disease
Kevin Walker Secures £80,000 for Hand Injury
£62K Awarded to 42 Year Old Man Hit by a Falling Object
Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
£8K Awarded to Man After Log Splitter Accident
£8,320 Awarded for Orthopaedic Injury
£5,750 Award for Scarring and Leg Injuries
£4,700 Awarded After Claimant Bitten by Rat
£4,133 Awarded Following a Nose Injury
£32,690 for 50% Loss of Lung Function
£3,750 Awarded for Food Poisoning on Nile Cruise
£220,172 Awarded for an Ulnar Neuropathy Injury
£17,693 Damages for Person Hit by Falling Boxes
£16K Awarded to a Woman After Slipping on a Wet Floor
£10K Awarded to Man for Irritant Dermatitis
£10,744 Awarded for Chest Wound
Barking, Havering & Redbridge Hospital Claims
£22,000 Awarded for an Electric Shock Accident
£19,500 Damages for Honeymoon Food Poisoning
£109,600 Awarded After a Cellar Fall
East Kent Hospitals University Trust Claim
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Claim
£12,000 Awarded Following Wrist Injury During Training
£1,719 Awarded for a Welding Injury
University Hospitals of Leicester Claim
£3,000 Awarded to Taxi Driver for Thumb Injury
Hull and East Yorkshire Hospital Claim
University Hospital of Morecambe Bay Claim
£20,000 Damages for Engineer with Cold Injuries
£180K Awarded for an Industrial Accident Knee Injury
£17,500.00 Awarded for a Fracture to the Tibia and Fibula
James Paget University Hospitals Claim
£5,400 Damages for Whiplash Caused by Husband
University College London Hospital Claim
£9K Damages for 62 Year Old with Pleural Plaques
£2,300 Damages Awarded to a Child for a Burn Injury
Birmingham Children's Hospital Trust Claim
£11,000 Damages for an Upper Body Injury
£19,000 Awarded After a Health and Safety Breach Injury
£13,500 Awarded for Acoustic Shock
Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen Hospital Claim
£7,000 Damages for Wrist Injury After a Slip on Ice
Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals Claim
Countess of Chester Hospital Compensation Claim
Northampton General Hospital Claim
£2,000 Awarded to a Part-Time Worker Due to Injury
£6,000 Awarded to Child for Elbow Injury
Epsom & St Helier University Hospital Claim
University Hospital Southampton Claim
Basildon & Thurrock University Hospitals Claim
£87,400 Awarded After Claimant Injured by Speedboat
£254,610 Awarded for Severe Latex Allergy
£6K Damages Awarded for Hernia from Heavy Lifting
Nottingham University Hospital Trust Claim
Patient Awarded £110,000 After Contracting MRSA
£110,000 Awarded for Fractures and Depression
£1.4 Million Awarded to a Seriously-Injured Motorcyclist
£75,000 Awarded for Multiple Injuries and Scarring
The Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust
West Sussex Health and Social Care NHS Trust
The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Claim
The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust Claim
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust Claim
Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Claim
Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Claim
County Durham & Darlington NHS Trust Claim
Hinchingbrooke Health Care NHS Trust Claim
Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust Claim
East & North Hertfordshire NHS Trust Claim
Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust Claim
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Claim
Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust Claim
The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust Claim
Harrogate and District NHS Trust Claim
Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust Claim
Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust Claim
South Tees Hospitals NHS Trust Claims
Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust Claim
South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust Claim
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust Claim
Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation Claim
Barnsley Hospital NHS Trust Claim
Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust Claim
Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Claim
Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust Claim
Bedford Hospital NHS Trust Claim
Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust Claim
Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Claim
Great Western NHS Hospital Claim
Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust Claim
West Suffolk NHS Hospital Claim
Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust Claim
Airedale NHS Hospital Trust Claim
£850 Awarded for Smoke Inhalation After a Work Fire
£6.9M Damages for Failed Meningitis Diagnosis
£46,224 Awarded for PTSD Following Aircraft Accident
£45,000 Damages for Negligent Cosmetic Eye Surgery
£449,180 Awarded for Beryllium Poisoning
£337,682 Awarded to Claimant After Oil Rig Accident
£3,750 Damages for Hand Injury
£3,750 Awarded to Woman for Radiation Exposure Burns
£22,004 for Arm Injury After a Horse Riding Accident
£21,250 Awarded for Hair Salon Scalp Burns
£50K Damages for Woman with Fractured Spine
£8,500 Damages for a Trip and Fall on a Drain Cover
£4,000 Awarded to Man Who Suffered Hand Laceration
£18,000 for a Hip Injury Caused by a Pothole
£50K Awarded to Woman Knocked Down by Motorcyclist
Mid Essex Hospital Services Claim
£18,000 for Hip Injury After Tripping Into a Pothole
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Trust Claim
£18,500 Awarded for Silicosis Illness from Dust
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Claim
£5,200,000 Awarded for a Spinal Abscess Injury
£23,600 for Injuries Caused by Hair Dye Misuse
£1,900 for Injury Due to Inadequate Protective Equipment
£14,346 Award for Legionnaires from Air Conditioning
£22,500 Awarded to Man Who Sustained a Finger Injury
£3.9M Damages for Brain Damage Caused by Dehydration
£100,000 Awarded for Delays in Hospital Treatment
£8K Awarded to Woman Injured in an Office Lift
£3,250 Award to Taxi Driver for Thumb Injury
£40,000 Awarded for Bowel Surgery Complications
£80,000 Awarded Following a Road Collision with a Lorry
£33,555 Award for Work-Related Head and Joint Pain
£29,000 Awarded to Injured Waitress
£905,316 Awarded for Serious Workplace Arm Injuries
£905,316 Awarded for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Joiner Wins £175,000 Claim for Mesothelioma
£3.2M Settlement for Child Diagnosed with Epilepsy
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Claim
£8,650 Awarded for Injury Caused by a Trolley Cage
£20,000 Damages for Poor Quality Dental Work
£48,000 Awarded for Lower Body Injury on Motorbike
£227,000 Awarded for Catastrophic Paralysis
£20,000 Award to Passenger for Injury from Collision
£5,000 Awarded Following Wrong Site Surgical Negligence
£154,185 Damages Awarded for a Severe Jaw Injury
£3,800 Awarded to Woman Who Suffered a Rib Injury
£44,000 Damages for Workplace Cancer
Western Sussex Hospitals Trust Claim
Queen Mary's Sidcup NHS Trust Claim
£22,000 Awarded for Leg Burns Suffered During Surgery
£3,500 Awarded for a Knee Injury on Public Highway
£5,500 Awarded for Welding-Related Illness
£25K Awarded for Neck Injury and Osteoarthritis Risk
£15,963 Damages for an Injury to the Right Shoulder
£2,750 Awarded After Claimant Slipped in Car Park
£85K Damages for 3 Year Old Girl Hurt on Escalator
£9K Damages for Nerve Injury from Dog Attack
£1.9M Awarded for Leg Lost in Site Accident
£48,000 for Leg Injuries After Biker Injured
£42,000 Award for Leg Fractures Falling from a Bus
£336,723 Awarded for Military Exercise Injury
£169,420 Awarded After Loss of Sight in Criminal Injury
£1,250 Awarded to a 7 Year-Old for Shigellosis
Chemical Exposure Leads to Compensation for RAF Corporal
Father Awarded £1,750 for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
£13,000 Awarded to Woman Injured in Hotel Accident
£19K Awarded to Woman for Asthma from Air Pollution
£15,000 Awarded for a Bacterial Infection on Holiday
£146,000 Awarded for Injuries from Toluene Exposure
£60K Awarded After Exposure to Industrial Air Pollution
£17,250 Awarded for Chemical Burn
£13,000 Awarded for a Fractured Leg in a Football Match
£13,200 Awarded to Claimant for Vibration White Finger
Bolton NHS Foundation Trust Claim
Birmingham Women's NHS Trust Claim
£7,000 for Neck Injury and Anxiety Following Collision
£14,000 Damages to Warehouse Worker
Great Ormond Street Hospital Claim
Solicitors Secure £1,800,000 for a Skull Fracture Injury
£55,000 for Poisoning from a Hazardous Substance
£168,000 Awarded for Cancer from Workplace Chemicals
£3M Damages for Brain Injuries During Childbirth
£250,000 Damages for Road Accident Skull Fracture
£132,276 Award for Defective Machine Hand Injury
£14,000 Awarded for Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome
£2.4M Award to Student for Multiple Injuries
£45K Damages for Scarring from Plastic Surgery
£261,938 Awarded After Private Hospital Negligence
£51,200 for Leg Injury Caused by Prescription Error
£77,000 Awarded to 8 Year-Old for Giardiasis Poisoning
£2,500 Damages Awarded to Girl with E.Coli Poisoning
£5,000 Damages for Asthma from Cigarette Smoke
£6,000 Awarded to Nightclub Patron for Toe Injury
£140K Awarded to 17 Yr Old Who Suffered Facial Injuries
£44,000 Awarded for Plant Worker's Emphysema
£50K Awarded to Man Who Sustained an Ear Injury
£900,000 Awarded to Biker for Dislocation Injury
£10,777 for Child Hurt by Defective Pushchair
£27,500 Damages for Burns from a Firework Display
£22,000 Awarded After Experimental Drug Use Injury
£3,250 Damages for Concussion After Road Collision
£3,863 Awarded for Burns from Beauty Treatment
£10,000 for Ill Health Caused by a Faulty Pacemaker
Southend University Hospital Trust Claim
£12K Awarded for Negligent Laser Eye Surgery
£220,000 Awarded for Chronic Pain After Surgery
£420,000 Awarded Following Delayed Cancer Diagnosis
£20,030 Damages for Exposure to Diesel Fumes
£5,000 Damages for Knee Injuries from Collision
£315K Awarded for Pain from Lifting Accident
£12,750 Awarded for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
£10,000 Awarded for Spleen Injury After Attack
£230K Damages Awarded to a Boy with Cerebral Palsy
£12,000 Awarded for a Repetitive Strain Injury
£6,000 Damages Awarded to Sheep Farmer
£5,000 Awarded for Lower Back Injuries
£3,020 Awarded for Injuries to Internal Organs
£300,000 Damages for Blood Clot Causing a Stroke
£60,000 Awarded for Bladder Injured During Operation
£10,500 for Ruptured Achilles Tendon
£7,000 Awarded As a Result of Scalding
£52,000 for Damage to Senses After Fall from Height
£47,500 Damages Awarded for Cheekbone Injury
£3,750 Awarded After Food Poisoning on Cruise Ship
£2,000 for Claimant After Accident Due to Faulty Wiring
£25,000 Awarded for a Fall on a Defective Staircase
£356,000 Awarded After a Fall at Work Injury
£58,404 Damages for Fairground Ankle Fracture
£16,500 Awarded for a Knee Injury
£15,000 Awarded for a Pressure Sore Injury
£500,000 Awarded for Severe Injury After Assault
£249,000 Awarded for Serious Pelvis Injury
£45,000 Damages Awarded for Injuries from Facelift
£100,000 Award for Inadequate Procedure Causes Injury
£18,000 Awarded for Back Injuries from Training Flight
£23,000 Damages for Ankle Fracture at Caravan Park
£16,000 Awarded for a Trip on a Defective Kerb Stone
£12,500.00 Damages for Hospital-Acquired Infection
£50,000 Awarded to a Woman Injured by a Fall in a Supermarket
£55,000 for Severe Injuries in Pub Fall
£12,500 Awarded for Serious Pool Accident
£1.3 Million Awarded to 20 Workers for Mercury Poisoning
£593K Damages for Emergency Services Related Injury
£18,205 for Spinal Injuries from a Fall on Snow at Work
£8,889 Awarded Following Injury from a Fall in a Shop
£8,300 Awarded for Hair Loss After Salon Accident
£6,549 Awarded to Waitress with Back Injury
£34,300 for Permanent Injury After Fall from Ladder
£33K Damages Awarded to Man Trapped Under a Pallet
£6,000 for Claimant Injured Due to Unsuitable Gloves
£40,000 Awarded for Serious Adjustment Disorder
£477K Awarded for Brain Injuries from a Serious Assault
£201,832 Awarded for Exposure to Asbestos Fibres
£15,000 Awarded to a Child Injured in a Dog Attack
£4,600 Awarded in Injury Claim Against Landlord
£82K Awarded to 67 Year Old for Foot Injury
£67,400 Awarded Following Negligent Liposuction
£19,000 Damages Awarded for Occupational Asthma
£1M Awarded for Brain Injury from an Accidental Shooting
£24,000 Award for 14-Year-Old Claimant
£1,600 Awarded for a Lumbar Spine Injury
£428,061 Damages Awarded for Mesothelioma Case
£30,000 Awarded to Pillion Passenger
£2.89M Awarded for Loss of Amenity and Future Care
£282,298 Awarded for Back Injuries Falling from a Tank
£37,605 for Digestive Problems Resulting from Work
£45,850 Damages for Plumber with Asbestosis
£13,500 Awarded for Fingers Crushed
£554,404 for Injury from Machine with No Safety Guard
£115,000 Awarded for Arm Injuries to a Pedestrian
£230K Awarded for Female Reproductive System Injuries
£24,000 Awarded Following Incident on Playground
£214,000 Awarded to Factory Worker for Knee Injury
£8,000 Awarded After Petrol Station Accident Injury
£26K Awarded for Pain and Suffering from CO Poisoning
£3,000 Awarded for Head Injuries Sustained on Holiday
£62,388 Awarded for Injuries from a 35 Foot Fall
£5,500 Damages for Pain from Delayed Treatment
£169K Damages Awarded for Contracting Asbestosis
£5,000 Awarded for Trip on Poorly Maintained Cobbles
£35,000 Damages for Gp Delays Diagnosing Cancer
£3,250 Awarded for Scarring and Head Injury
£4,000 Awarded to Claimant with a Tongue Injury
£2,452 Awarded After Road Injury Caused by Snow
£2,200 Awarded to Company Car Passenger
£10,000 Awarded for Nasal Burns Sustained by Child
£2.1M Damages for Catastrophic Workplace Injuries
£125,000 Awarded Following Mastectomy Surgery
Forklift Driver Receives £7,500 Damages
£3,900 Awarded Following a Roundabout Accident
£3,000 Damages for Finger Injured in a Pub
Shopper Compensated with £5,000
Award for 11 Gastroenteritis Sufferers
£1,500 Awarded to a Child After a Hotel Accident Abroad
£900,000 Damages Awarded to Biker
£2,560 Awarded for a Claim for Foreign Objects in Food
£90,000 Damages Awarded for Cyclist Head Injuries
£8,000 Awarded for Burns Caused by Hot Oil Spillage
£14,000 Awarded for Injury from Manual Handling Accident
£5,750 Awarded for Motorcycle Crash Injuries
£60,500 Awarded to Train Accident Injury Victim
Undiagnosed Throat Cancer Led to £500,000 Compensation
£658,750 Awarded to a Roofer Following Injury
£1.2 Million Awarded Following a Fatal Accident
£24,000 Awarded to Farm Labourer
£22,000 Awarded to Cleaner Following a Skin Injury
£29,378 Damages for Cryptosporidium Infection
£3K Awarded for Injuries from a Collision with a Lorry
North Middlesex University Hospital Claim
£4,500 Awarded for Foot Injuries Sustained on Holiday
£50,000 Awarded After Cosmetic Dentistry
£308,000 Awarded for Fractured Sternum Injury
£6,500 Awarded for Leg Injuries Sustained on the Road
£20,000 Awarded After Optician Misdiagnosis
£18,320 for Ankle Injury After a Climbing Wall Accident
£2.75M Awarded for Serious Injuries on Road
£3,500.00 Award for a Prescription Error
£38,000 Awarded After Accident Involving Cherry Picker
Police Officer Awarded £18,000 After Slipping on Ice
£235,000 Awarded Due to Defective Farm Equipment
Claimant Awarded £2,350 for Road Collision
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Claim
£12,500 Awarded Following Used Needle Botox Injury
£4.5K Awarded for Conveyor Belt Crushed Hand Injury
£120,000 Awarded to a Biker with Serious Head Injury
Case studies are for informational purposes only and aim to help prospective claimants understand the injury claim process. They are based on cases handled by Quittance panel solicitors or sourced from public court records.