If you have been harmed by a negligent beauty treatment? We can help you claim

Beauty treatments are meant to help you look and feel your best, but when things go wrong, the consequences can be painful, emotionally distressing, and long-lasting. Whether it’s a burn from laser hair removal, an allergic reaction to a facial, or scarring from a botched cosmetic procedure, a beauty treatment injury can cause significant physical and emotional harm.

If your injuries were caused by the negligence of a beauty therapist, cosmetic surgeon, nurse or other professional, you can make a No Win, No Fee compensation claim with the help and support of a specialist clinical negligence solicitor.

Key advice when you claim for a negligent beauty treatment

  • Like all healthcare professionals, cosmetic specialists and beauty therapists owe a duty of care to safeguard their clients from avoidable illness and injury.
  • Beauty therapists must be trained to safely deliver the treatments they offer, and must use suitable products.
  • If you have been injured by a negligent beauty treatment, or harmed by a faulty product, you can make a claim.
  • You have 3 years from the date of your injury to begin your claim - the longer you wait, the harder it may be to gather evidence in support of your claim.
  • Your claim can proceed on a no win, no fee basis.
  • Your compensation will depend on the seriousness of your injury. You can find out how much you can claim with our compensation calculator.
  • Your compensation will also cover the psychological impact of your injury, and the cost of cosmetic therapy or reconstructive surgery.

You are not alone

In 2024, the UK personal care industry market is estimated to be worth over £13 billion. The Botox market, in particular, has grown rapidly over the past few years (bbc.com)

The number of people undergoing non-surgical cosmetic procedures in the UK has increased so rapidly over the last decade, that the government has introduced a licensing scheme for the industry.

According to recent research, existing legislation does not cover many newer beauty and cosmetic treatments, and many providers of these treatments are unregulated. Unlicensed equipment is often imported into the UK and used without training (cieh.org).

Although relatively rare, non-surgical procedures still have the potential to cause injury or harm. Injuries can range from mild skin irritations, to more serious burns, allergic reactions, or infections, often resulting from improper technique, untrained personnel, or faulty equipment.

The rise in popularity of more complex treatments, such as chemical peels, laser procedures, and injectables, has also contributed to an increase in reported incidents.

If you decide to make a beauty treatment injury claim, your solicitor will take you through every step of the claims process. Your solicitor will be with you until you win your claim and get the compensation you need to move forward.

See also:

Cosmetic surgery injury claims

How much compensation can I claim for negligent beauty treatment?

The compensation you can claim for negligent beauty treatment will be determined by:

  • the extent of your injury,
  • the limitations your injury imposes on your daily life and work,
  • any costs or financial impacts you?ve suffered due to your injury.

Beauty treatment injury compensation calculator

Find out how much compensation you could claim in just a few minutes. Check your legal eligibility and see if you qualify for a No Win, No Fee claim.

Updated February 2025 Compensation Calculator v3.1

General damages are awarded for pain, suffering and loss of amenity (PSLA). Awards for general damages are set by the Judicial College (judiciary.uk) and published in their guidelines for personal injury awards.

Special damages is compensation awarded to cover any financial losses and expenses you incur as a result of your beauty treatment injury or negligent medical treatment. These damages aim to put you back in the financial position you would have been in, had your injury not occurred.

Special damages will also cover your medical treatment expenses, that might include topical treatments, pain medication and allergic reaction medication.

Read more:

A complete list of recoverable losses in a personal injury claim

How is compensation calculated if I have multiple injuries?

Average beauty treatments compensation payouts

The following beauty treatments payouts refer to the Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages in Personal Injury Cases, 17th Edition by the Judicial College (oup.com).

These tables are used by solicitors or by the courts as a starting point when calculating your compensation.

Please note: these average figures represent general damages only, and do not include any element of special damages (e.g. lost wages).


Example Amount
Affecting hands or other parts of the body (other than your face and scalp), where symptoms resolve with treatment, or short term aggravation of an existing condition £1,890 to £4,380
Affecting hands or other parts of the body (other than your face and scalp), where symptoms take several months or years to resolve with treatment £9,590 to £12,660
Symptoms that last indefinitely, and that affect your daily life and ability to work £15,250 to £21,300

Facial scarring

Example Amount
A hardly noticeable scar (or scars) £1,890 to £3,920
A single scar that can be camouflaged with makeup, or multiple small scars that don't markedly affect your appearance £4,380 to £15,250
Significant scarring where the worst affects are reduced by cosmetic surgery, and/or with causing a psychological impact £10,110 to £33,380
Substantial disfigurement and/or a significant psychological impact £19,930 to £53,720
A younger person (under 30) with substantial disfigurement and/or a significant psychological impact £33,040 to £107,990

Non-facial body scars

Example Amount
Burns with scarring and ongoing pain £2,630 to £8,690
Scarring such as an exploratory laparotomy scar Around £9,590
A noticeable laceration scar or single disfiguring scar £8,690 to £25,220
Severe burns with continuing pain and psychological injury Up to £116,300

Am I entitled to make a beauty treatment negligence claim?

You can claim compensation for negligent beauty treatment, if:

  • you were injured in the last 3 years, and;
  • someone else was at fault, and;
  • they owed a duty of care to prevent harm.

Find out online if you can claim with our injury claim calculator. Or you can call 0800 376 1001 to speak to a specialist advisor. Find out in minutes if you have a claim.

How long do I have to make a negligent beauty treatment claim?

You usually have 3 years to make a beauty treatments claim. The timelimit starts from the date you discovered you were injured by negligent care (the date of knowledge).

Common beauty treatment claims

Popular beauty treatments include hair dye, skin waxes, eyelash tints, and tanning, and claims commonly relate to these treatments. Botox injury claims and dermabrasion negligence claims are also becoming more common as the procedures increase in popularity.

Compensation claims for negligent beauty treatments include:

Making a claim against a hair or beauty salon

According to statistics from HABIA (Hair and Beauty Industry Authority), approximately a quarter of a million people are employed the hair and beauty industry, working in around 55,000 different establishments.

Included in the hair and beauty sector are hair salons, nail bars, beauty salons and spas. Most businesses are small, employing between 1 and 10 people, with 42% of the workforce being self-employed.

It is estimated that more than half those working in the industry are only qualified to Level 2 or below of applicable Health & Safety qualifications. The qualifications go up to Level 4 for most areas of hair and beauty treatment. Some staff are required to carry out treatments that they have no formal qualifications or training for.

The Sale of Goods and Services Act 1982 requires that when a consumer enters into a contract for goods and/or services, those goods and services must supplied or carried out with reasonable skill and care. If they are not and the consumer is injured as a result, they are likely to be entitled to make a compensation claim.

Anyone sustaining injury though a failure of the supplier of the goods, in this case the salon, to carry out the treatment with sufficient skill and care may be entitled to bring a claim.

It is advisable to make a complaint about the injury directly to the salon, and to ensure this claim is recorded in writing.

What evidence is required?

Physical evidence of the injuries sustained is key to bringing a claim, therefore photographs of the injuries should be presented where possible.

The claimant will need to document the time and date of the treatment and, where possible, the name of the individual who was responsible for administering the treatment.

In cases of allergic reactions, it should be demonstrated that salon staff failed to carry out a patch test prior to applying the product.

If the claimant has sought any medical attention, this too should be documented and reported, as well as any receipts for treatment that was paid for.

Claims may be made for out of pocket expenses, including loss of earnings, travel expenses and any prescription charges. It may also be possible to claim for the pain and suffering caused by the injury.

What caused your beauty treatments injury?

Claiming compensation depends on the cause of your beauty treatments. Click the icons below for read more:

Can I make a no win, no fee beauty treatment injury claim?

Yes. With no win, no fee, you can claim beauty treatment injury compensation without financial risk. If your claim isn't successful, you pay nothing. If you win, you only pay a pre-agreed percentage of your compensation.

Find out more about how no win, no fee claims work

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Chris Salmon, Director

Chris Salmon, Director