Can I make an injury claim for hair damage and scalp injuries?

Client with hair damage

Yes. If your hair or scalp has been damaged by the actions of someone else, and that person owed you a duty of care, then you can make a claim for injury compensation.

Examples of parties that are likely to owe you a duty of care include:

  • Hairdressers, stylists and beauty therapists
  • Medical professionals
  • Your employer
  • School staff (if your child's hair was damaged at school)

If you are unsure whether the person who damaged your hair or injured your scalp is legally responsible for the harm they have caused, you should speak to a solicitor to discuss your options.

How much compensation can I claim for hair and scalp injuries?

The compensation you can claim for hair damage

What hair and scalp damage can I claim for?

You can claim for a wide range of injuries affecting your hair and scalp, including:

  • Significant, patchy hair loss (even if the hair damage is temporary and the hair will grow back)
  • Damage caused by hair dye
  • Hair extension traction alopecia
  • Burns and scalds that have injured your scalp
  • Scalp and facial scars

Compensation claims for hair and scalp damage will also often include an award for the psychological harm done as a result of the damage. For example, if your self-confidence and social life has been significantly affected by scalp scarring or hair loss, you should receive compensation to recognise this harm.

Can I claim for hair extension traction alopecia?

Traction alopecia is hair loss caused by the pull from tight hair extensions, wigs, or weaves.

Hair extensions are increasingly popular and pose little risk when fitted by a trained professional. The hairdressing industry is unregulated, however, and poorly fitted hair extensions could lead to injury. In particular, the solvent and chemical bonding agents used in the procedure could lead to skin problems and even serious allergic reactions (

If you have suffered an injury as a result of hair extensions, or any other beauty procedure, you may be able to claim compensation.

Can I claim for a hair dye injury?

Injuries from hair dye exposure can occur due to allergic reactions or chemical burns, often due to product misuse or improper patch testing by professionals.

Many hair dye injuries are caused by using widely available, well-known brands of home-use hair dye. Allergic reactions to chemicals in the hair dye can produce a range of symptoms including:

  • Skin irritation, burning, rashes, itching
  • Swelling of the face, eyes, neck, back
  • Thinning of the hair, bald patches, slowed re-growth
  • Pain, generally feeling unwell
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Anaphylactic shock (in rare cases)

Adverse reactions to hair dye are not limited to first time users. Hair dye injury can also be experienced by regular, long-term users of hair dye products.

If you have been affected by a hair dye injury, we can help. You may be entitled to claim compensation for medical treatments, psychological impact, and any expenses you incur. You can make a No Win, No Fee compensation claim with the help and support of a personal injury solicitor.

Can I claim for a bad haircut?

You cannot claim injury compensation if you are not happy with your haircut.

You may be able to make a civil claim for the cost of a bad haircut, if the service you received was not what you asked for. This would not be a matter for a personal injury solicitor to handle, unless you actually suffered an injury.

Examples of where it may be possible to claim for a poor-quality haircut include:

  • Long hair being cut very short without permission
  • Substandard bleaching or hair dye that has caused long-term or permanent damage

How long do I have to claim for hair damage or a scalp injury?

You will need to start your claim within 3 years of the date the hair damage occurred. You should being the hair damage claims process as soon as you can, making it easier for your solicitor to gather evidence and witness statements.

Hair damage FAQs

How can hair extensions cause injury?

Hair extensions involve the use of synthetic or human hair to thicken or lengthen existing hairstyles. They are applied either by plaiting the extensions into the real hair, bonding with a glue and fixing with a heated clamp, or they may be woven into existing hair by braiding close to the scalp.

Hair extensions may be badly fitted, especially where the bonding technique is used.

If an extension is not applied to enough natural hair, or the natural hair is too thin or weak to support it, the weight of the extension will pull the natural hair until it either breaks or is removed.

Where too many extensions are fitted, the increased weight of hair means it is constantly pulled down. This may cause extra stress on the scalp and supporting hair follicles.

If extensions are too tightly woven they may cause damage to the natural hair when they are removed. They may also cause rubbing and irritation to the scalp.

Constant pulling of the natural hair by hair extensions may lead to permanent damage of the hair follicles. When this occurs the natural hair cannot grow back and bald patches may appear on the scalp. This condition is known as traction alopecia.

How can hair extension injuries be prevented?

Applying hair extensions requires specialist skills; stylists offering this service should be properly trained and qualified.

A thorough assessment of the client's hair must be carried out to identify the correct products, hair attachments and methods of attaching the hair for that individual. This includes checking the strength of the client's hair prior to applying extensions, to assess whether the hair can hold the extensions without breaking.

The stylist should ensure the client fully understands how to look after the extensions and when to return to the salon.

Extensions should not remain in the hair for longer than three months, and should always be removed by a trained professional to avoid hair breakage.

A stylist should inform a client if signs of hair loss occur, and should not continue to apply extensions.

Read more:

How to prevent hair damage from a weave or extensions (

No win, no fee injury compensation claims

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Chris Salmon, Director

Chris Salmon, Director