£3,500.00 award for an error in prescription
£3,500.00 was awarded for an error in a prescription causing physical and psychological injury
Injury details
In 2012 a 52 year old man received compensation on the basis that a chemist had dispensed the wrong drug to him.
The background is that the claimant who had a history of heart problems took a number of different medications and went to see his GP seeking a repeat prescription of Nicorandil. The pharmacist in error dispensed Nifedipine.
This drug was similar to other drugs that he was already taking and that caused him to experience a calcium channel blocker overdose.
The effect was that he suffered headaches and dizziness, hypertensions, chest pains, felt lethargic and it also affected his stomach causing him to become constipated.
His condition became so bad that he was taken to hospital where the pharmacist's error was spotted and within 7 days of him stopping taking this drug the symptoms were gone and he made a complete recovery physically although he continued to have some anxiety about prescriptions and he obsessively checked each one he received.
Following negotiations between the solicitors that he instructed and the company employing the chemist he received £3,500.00 for pain, suffering and loss of amenity.
Taking into account the increase in the RPI this produces a figure of just over £3,700.00.
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Case studies are for informational purposes only and aim to help prospective claimants understand the injury claim process. They are based on cases handled by Quittance panel solicitors or sourced from public court records.