Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) refers to a range of methods used to resolve disputes outside of the traditional courtroom setting.

ADR includes various methods such as mediation, arbitration and negotiation, which are designed to provide a quicker, cheaper, and less formal way to resolve disputes.

In the context of a personal injury claim, ADR can be a useful tool for resolving disputes between claimants and defendants without the need to go to trial.

For example, mediation involves a neutral third-party (the mediator) who helps the parties reach a mutually-agreeable resolution. In contrast, in arbitration, a neutral third-party (the arbitrator) makes a binding decision in the case, based on evidence and arguments presented by the parties.

ADR is becoming more common as a way to resolve disputes before going to court. It allows the parties to reach a settlement in a more flexible, informal and less adversarial way, while avoiding the cost and delays of a trial.

ADR can have a significant impact on your legal rights and remedies, including your right to go to court.

You should consider the pros and cons of ADR before deciding whether to participate in it. Speaking to a personal injury solicitor before starting a claim is usually the best initial course of action.

See also:

How often do injury claims go to court and what if they do?

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Chris Salmon, Director

Chris Salmon, Director