How do the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 apply to work injury claims?
Figures from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) reveal that in 2024, 473,000 workers suffer from work-related musculoskeletal conditions. The HSE has also observed that injuries in relation to manual handling are caused by a third of reported workplace accidents.
If you have been injured because of a breach in Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992, it is likely that you will be able to pursue a claim for compensation.
What are the components of Manual Handling Regulations?
If it is possible to avoid lifting or moving objects or loads, by means such as changing how a task is completed or using machinery to complete the job; employers should make the relevant modifications.
For manual handling that cannot be avoided, employers should complete a risk assessment. This should ascertain full details of the procedure to be performed, how to do it in the safest manner possible, and account for what can potentially go wrong in the course of the task.
Having identified what can go wrong, employers should take steps to minimise any potential risks. This can include the use of certain tools to facilitate safety, redesigning the procedure, and potentially enlisting the help of other colleagues.
There are no higher or lower limits to the weight that can be handled by employees. This is because several factors can influence the safety of manual handling, including the employee himself, the facilities available and the environment in which he is working
Employers must communicate with their staff regarding manual handling, as a means of ascertaining the risk involved and the likelihood of any injury occurring.
What is the purpose of these regulations?
The Manual Handling Regulations are designed to protect people in the course of their duties at work. Employers have a responsibility for the health and safety of their staff and should adhere to these rules in order to prevent injuries occurring.
What kinds of injuries can occur as a result of Manual Handling?
One of the most common kinds of injuries suffered by employees who have been handling large loads or bulky items is damage to the back. This can be in the form of muscular damage or damage to the spine. In addition, people who are engaged in manual handling at work can also suffer damage to other parts of the body, such as the arms, legs, or head.
See also:
Work injury compensation claims
Arm injury compensation claims
Leg injury compensation claims
Head injury compensation claim
What should you do if you have been injured after a Manual Handling incident?
Your first priority should be to get the treatment you need from a medical professional. You might be in pain, or incapacitated in some way. If so, you will need to have your condition assessed by a doctor. This could take the form of an x-ray or CT scan, or a physical examination in which your doctor determines the extent of your injuries. You should then engage with any treatment that is offered, such as medication or regular follow up appointments.
Can you claim compensation for injuries that have occurred during Manual Handling at work?
If you have been injured because you were bearing a load in the course of your employment, it is likely that you will be able to make a claim for personal injury compensation. You can contact a personal injury solicitor for advice that you can trust with regards to pursuing such a claim.
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Howard Willis, Personal injury solicitor
About the author
Howard Willis qualified as a solicitor in 1984 and has specialised in personal injury for over 25 years. He is a member of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) and is a recognised Law Society Personal Injury Panel expert.