We've helped 100's of clients in Hereford access the right legal expertise
No two solicitors offer the same level of service or experience. We'll ensure your injury claim is handled by a solicitor with the right experience.
Find out why specialist legal representation improves the chance your claim is accepted, and helps to secure the best compensation settlement for your injuries.
How did the accident happen?
No win, no fee injury claim solicitors
With no win, no fee, you'll be represented by an expert solicitor with no upfront cost and nothing to pay if your claim is unsuccessful.
If you win your claim, your solicitor will receive a pre-agreed percentage of your compensation.
How does no win, no fee work?
Find out how much you can claim
Use our injury calculator to find out:
- If you qualify to claim
- How much you can claim
- Other losses you can claim for
Understanding the claims process
With over 10 years of experience, we'll help you find the very best legal advice for your personal injury claim.
Get the facts about making a claim in Hereford
Road accident claims in Hereford
Car, HGV, cycle and motorcycle accidents in Hereford are relatively common. Government data indicates there were 445 road accidents in Herefordshire in 2021 (341 slight accidents, 96 accidents and 8 fatalities). Accidents in the Hereford area in 2013 included road traffic collisions on the dual carriageway of the A438 and A49 roundabout and on the single carriageway of the A4103 and A4110 crossroads.
You can claim compensation if you were injured as a driver or passenger and another road user was liable. You can also claim compensation if you were injured as a motorcyclist, cyclist or pedestrian.
Whether you have suffered an injury in a hit-and-run, or have been hurt in a car accident, This road accident claim guide sets out everything you need to know about the claims process.
Read more:
Road accident compensation claims
Hereford work injury claims
In 2021, there were 170 non-fatal work accidents and 4 fatalities in Herefordshire.
If you were injured at work through no fault of your own, you might be able to claim compensation.
Employers owe a duty of care to their staff. Whether you sustained an injury when working as an electrician or a personal trainer, our work injury claim guide covers everything you need to know about making a successful work accident claim.
Read more:
Claim work accident compensation
How common are work accidents in Hereford?
Herefordshire work accidents (RIDAGGR) | Reported Injuries |
Not specified | 14% |
Electric shock injury (e.g. burns) | 1% |
Machinery related injury | 4% |
Fire related (e.g. burns) | 0% |
Harmful substance exposure (e.g. industrial and air pollution) | 0% |
Fall from height | 13% |
Animal related | 1% |
Lifting and handling injuries | 15% |
Assault | 6% |
Slip, trip, fall same level | 26% |
Struck against | 4% |
Hit by vehicle | 1% |
Hit by object | 13% |
Trapped by something collapsing | 0% |
Hereford public place accident claims
There is a legal duty on the owners (occupiers) of premises to take reasonable care to ensure the safety of visitors.
Whether you were hurt in a pub or on council-maintained land, and the owner or occupier of the location was responsible, you could be entitled to receive compensation for your injuries and any financial losses.
If you have been injured in an accident in a public place we can help you make an injury claim for financial compensation.
Read more:
Claim public place accident compensation
Hereford medical negligence claims
Clinical (or medical) negligence is the term for when a patient sustains an injury or illness due to the carelessness of a doctor or other health worker. Quittance's expert panel of injury lawyers can help you make a claim against one of the clinics and NHS trusts covering Hereford.
Read more:
How much compensation can I claim for an injury?
Do I need to use a local personal injury claim solicitor?
The injury claim process: a step-by-step guide
Claim injury compensation for lost earnings, overtime & more
What is the time limit for starting an injury claim?
How long will my personal injury claim take?
Complete list of recoverable losses in a personal injury claim
How do I choose the right injury solicitor for my claim?
Can I claim injury compensation if I was fully or partly at fault?
...extremely kind,
courteous and empathetic.
E. Liddle
Start your no win, no fee claim
Take the first step towards claiming your compensation. Call us for a free, confidential consultation with a friendly legal advisor.
- Tell us what happened
- We'll explain your options
- Get your questions answered
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Local support services
Are you still considering your next steps? These local organisations can offer advice and information, helping you decide what steps to take next.