If a vertebral compression fracture has set you back, we'll help you move forward

Vertebral compression fractures (VCF), or spinal compression fractures, happen when one spine bone compresses another. This injury involves a vertebra collapsing to create a wedge-shaped vertebra, often due to osteoporosis or trauma, causing severe back pain. Treatment options include:

  • Pain relief
  • Physical therapy
  • Surgery

We can assist if you or a loved one has suffered a spinal vertebra compression fracture. If someone else's actions or negligence caused your injury, you might be entitled to compensation.

Make a No Win, No Fee compensation claim for a VCF injury with the help of a specialist injury solicitor.

With over 20,000 spinal fracture admissions each year, you are not alone

A recent 2024 study in the journal Nature found that vertebral compression fractures increased the risk of mortality, and of subsequent fractures. 30% of men and women over 50 were affected by VCF injuries.

21,241 patients were admitted to hospital in 2022-23 with vertebral, neck and other spinal fractures, according to the NHS (digital.nhs.uk).

One or more vertebrae may be damaged, leading to either the slipping of a disc or the potential dislocation of a particular bone within the back area.

If you decide to make a vertebral compression fracture claim, your personal injury solicitor will take you through every step of the claims process. Your solicitor will be with you until you win your claim and get the compensation you need to move forward.

If you need information on slipped disc symptoms and treatment, visit: slipped disc (nhs.uk).

How are VCF injuries caused?

Vertebral compression fractures and other osteoporosis-related fractures are generally caused by a forceful impact, typical in a road accident or a fall from height. This impact may crush the whole of one or more vertebrae.

A serious impact may also disrupt or break the posterior of the spine, although this is less common.

Who is at greatest risk of a VCF injury?

Some of us are more at risk of sustaining spinal injuries like compression fractures due to potentially undiagnosed bone weakness.

Weakness or brittleness of the bones is associated with osteoporosis which is a factor in around 85% of VCFs (nih.gov). Cancers that have metastasised to the bone can also weaken the bones.

If your injuries are more severe, perhaps in part due to these health conditions, you are likely to receive more compensation. Your compensation amount is likely to be greater as a result of the higher degree of pain and discomfort you have experienced, and the longer period of recovery you have needed, or will need.

Diagnosing Vertebral Compression Fractures

Vertebral compression fractures can be difficult to diagnose. VCF symptoms may be mistaken for arthritis, aches and pains associated with aging, spinal disc problems or muscle strain.

The severity of VCF pain varies considerably. Some patients report acute pain, where others may experience no pain until the injury is very advanced.

VCF symptoms include:

  • Curvature of the spine and loss of height
  • Difficulties with balance and mobility
  • Bowel and bladder problems
  • Potential neurological symptoms

The diagnosis will be confirmed by an independent medical assessment. This assessment will usually be carried out by a spinal injury specialist, and will be arranged by your solicitor when you start your claim.

For more advice and support, see: Vertebral compression fractures (imperial.nhs.uk).

See also:

Back and spinal injury compensation claims

Longer-term health issues

Left untreated, VCFs may lead to the development of serious health issues and, potentially, long-term disability.

As well, as being painful, vertebral compression fractures can restrict movement. Many sufferers find that their walking is affected, requiring more energy because of alterations to the shape of the spine.

Immobility of the spine may also lead to chest and breathing problems.

On-going sustained back pain and the development of more serious long-term problems including arthritis may lead a patient to become depressed.

How much compensation can I claim for a vertebral compression fracture?

The level of compensation you can claim for a vertebral compression fracture will depend on:

  • the seriousness of your injury,
  • the effect your injury has on your daily routine and work life,
  • any financial losses or costs you have incurred due to your injury.

Vertebral compression fracture compensation calculator

Find out how much compensation you could claim in just a few minutes. Check your legal eligibility and see if you qualify for a No Win, No Fee claim.

Updated February 2025 Compensation Calculator v3.1

General damages are awarded for pain, suffering and loss of amenity (PSLA). Awards for general damages are set by the Judicial College (judiciary.uk) and published in their guidelines for personal injury awards.

Special damages is compensation for quantifiable financial losses you've incurred as a result of your vertebral compression fracture. Compensation can include lost wages and business losses (if you're self-employed), and any additional expenses directly related to your VCF injury.

These damages will also cover any medical or treatment bills, such as pain medication, bracing, physical therapy and surgery if needed.

Read more:

A complete list of recoverable losses in a personal injury claim

How is compensation calculated if I have multiple injuries?

Average vertebral compression fracture compensation payouts

The following vertebral compression fracture payouts refer to the Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages in Personal Injury Cases, 17th Edition by the Judicial College (oup.com).

These tables are used by solicitors or by the courts as a starting point when calculating your compensation.

Please note: these average figures represent general damages only, and do not include any element of special damages (e.g. lost wages).

Back injury

Example Amount
A back sprain, disc prolapse, soft tissue injury or minor fracture that fully recovers without surgery £2,720 to £13,870
A disc lesion, prolapse, fracture or soft tissue injury leading to chronic conditions, including pain, mobility issues, impaired sexual function, psychological effects, a risk of arthritis, spondylolisthesis, and nerve root irritation £13,870 to £30,800
Severe spinal cord damage, nerve root damage, disc lesions, fractures and soft tissues leading to serious chronic conditions £43,020 to £178,590

Neck injury

Example Amount
Soft tissue injury £2,720 to £8,750
Fracture or dislocation injuries, or worsening of existing conditions, including wrenching, disc lesions and cervical spondylosis £27,730 to £42,700
Severe fractures, dislocation, soft tissue damage, ruptured tendons, and/or chronic disability £50,450 to £62,120
Serious fractures or damage to discs, with disability and substantial loss of neck movement, including loss of function in one or more limbs £72,950 to £145,250
Incomplete paraplegia, spastic quadriparesis, and/or very restricted neck movement Around £164,560

Can I claim compensation for a psychological injury?

If you have suffered psychological harm in addition to a physical injury or illness, you are not alone.

According to our 2025 Personal Injury Claimant Survey shows that 29.03% of potential claimants sustained a psychological injury, 70.97% of which related to a physical injury.

Vertebral compression fractures often result in phobia of future fractures, anxiety about spine stability and depression resulting from loss of mobility. Depression linked to chronic pain and PTSD are also possible.

Although psychiatric injuries are less obvious than physical injuries and illness, mental health conditions can be no less debilitating.

Our compensation calculator can estimate your compensation for psychological injuries. Or you can call us on 0800 376 1001 to speak to a specialist advisor.

Am I entitled to make a vertebral compression fracture claim?

In general, you can claim compensation if you were hurt:

  • within the last 3 years, and;
  • another person was to blame, and;
  • that person owed you a duty of care.

Use our injury claim calculator to find out if you can claim. Or you can call 0800 376 1001 to speak to a specialist advisor. Find out in minutes if you have a claim.

What if the accident was partly my fault?

Attributing blame for an accident isn't always clear-cut.

In our 2025 Personal Injury Claimant Survey, we found that 13.99% of respondents felt they had at least some responsibility for the injuries they sustained.

Claims are possible even when your actions partially caused the accident. In instances of 'contributory negligence', claims are usually settled with a split liability agreement.

Read more:

Can I claim if I feel I was partly responsible for my accident?

How long do I have to make a vertebral compression fracture claim?

An injury claim will usually need to be made within 3 years of the date or your accident or injury.

For injured children, a claim can be started by a parent or guardian at any time before they turn 18. Thereafter, the injured individual has until their 21st birthday to make a claim on their own.

What affects the process when claiming for a compression fracture?

The claims process changes depending on the cause of your fracture. Click the icons below to learn more.

Can I make a no win, no fee vertebral compression fracture claim?

Yes. With no win, no fee, you can claim vertebral compression fracture compensation without financial risk. If your claim isn't successful, you pay nothing. If you win, you only pay a pre-agreed percentage of your compensation.

Find out more about how no win, no fee claims work

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(reviewed: 28/07/2024)

Jonathan Speight, Senior litigator

Jonathan Speight, Senior litigator