If a petrol station injury has set you back, we'll help you move forward

Petrol Station Injuries typically involve collisions between two or more cars, forecourt slips on oil or fuel, injuries from car wash equipment, or burns from flammable liquid explosions.

If your life, or the life of a loved one, has been affected by a petrol station accident, we can help. If your injuries were caused by another driver, cyclist, pedestrian or any other road user, you may be entitled to claim compensation.

You can make a No Win, No Fee road injury compensation claim with the help and support of a personal injury solicitor.

1/3 or all major injuries are from slips and trips - you are not alone

Slips and trips are responsible for around 1/3 of all major injuries, and the risk of fractures and other serious injuries increases in the context of petrol and cleaning fluid spills.

Typically there are no specific traffic routes around a petrol station forecourt. This means pedestrians may have to weave between cars while they make their way from the petrol pump to the payment kiosk.

Pedestrian accidents are frequently caused by drivers failing to account for people crossing the station on foot.

Can I claim if I get hit by a car on the station forecourt?

The general rule is that both drivers and pedestrians have a duty to be on the alert for each other. Pedestrians need to watch out for cars and proceed sensibly.

The duty imposed on drivers is greater. Drivers must be mindful of pedestrians and other cars, and also maintain a low maximum speed.

If you were injured crossing the forecourt, you may be able to make a personal injury compensation claim from the driver's insurers. To succeed, a claimant must prove that the driver (the defendant), failed to show due care and attention.

See also:

Pedestrian accident claims

What can I claim if a car collides with mine?

Liability for vehicle collisions in a petrol station is sometimes viewed as being shared by the parties involved. A decision regarding liability will depend on the available evidence in each case, including injuries sustained and vehicle damage.

If the evidence shows the claimant was driving responsibly, liability is likely to lie solely with the defendant.100% of the compensation will be awarded to the claimant.

If both parties were found to have been partly responsible for the accident, either by driving carelessly or by failing to take precautions against injury (e.g. by not wearing a seatbelt) a split liability claim may be possible.

What if the driver was uninsured or untraceable?

If the driver responsible for the injury is either uninsured or untraceable, a claim can be pursued through the Motor Insurers' Bureau (MIB).

The MIB is an independent that pays road accident compensation to the victims of uninsured or untraced (unidentified) drivers.

Can forecourt CCTV evidence be used in my claim?

Many petrol stations now have CCTV cameras installed. This means that the majority of accidents will have been recorded. CCTV footage can help establish liability, and can be presented as evidence in your claim.

Most petrol stations only keep footage for a short period before deleting it. Some companies will have data protection issues regarding the release of footage.

To avoid the risk of losing CCTV evidence, speak to a solicitor as soon as possible. The solicitor can request that relevant footage is retained, or a copy made, on your behalf.

Am I entitled to make a petrol station injury claim?

If you've been injured or diagnosed with an illness in the last three years and it wasn't your fault, you will be able to claim compensation.

Use our injury claim calculator to find out if you can claim. Or you can call 0800 376 1001 to speak to a specialist advisor. Find out in minutes if you have a claim.

Can I claim if I feel I was partly to blame?

Identifying who is legally responsible for a claimant's injuries is not always obvious.

In our 2024 Road Injury Claimant Survey, 5.24% of injured road users felt they were at least partly responsible for their accident or injuries.

Claiming compensation is still an option even if you were partly at fault. These contributory negligence cases are typically resolved with a split-liability agreement.

Read more:

Can I claim if I feel I was partly responsible for my accident?

How long after a petrol station injury do I have to claim compensation?

An injury claim will usually need to be made within 3 years of the date or your accident or injury.

For injured children, a claim can be started by a parent or guardian at any time before they turn 18. Thereafter, the injured individual has until their 21st birthday to make a claim on their own.

How much compensation can I claim for a petrol station injury?

The amount of money you could claim for your injury will depend on:

  • the seriousness of your injury, and
  • any financial losses or costs you have incurred.

At the start of your claim, your solicitor will consider the many ways your injuries have affected your life. Your solicitor will take these considerations into account to calculate the correct compensation award.

Petrol station injury compensation calculator

Get an accurate compensation estimate (including for multiple injuries), confirm your legal position, and check if you have a No Win, No Fee claim.

Updated May 2024 Compensation Calculator v3.04

General damages

General damages are awarded for pain, suffering and loss of amenity (PSLA).

Awards for general damages are set by the Judicial College (judiciary.uk) and published in their guidelines for personal injury awards.

How is compensation calculated if I have multiple injuries?

Special damages

Special damages are awarded to compensate you for any costs or losses you've incurred or might incur as a result of your accident. These costs might include loss of earnings, damage and repairs to your car, or any other out of pocket expenses.

Special damages may also be awarded for medical treatments or procedures that you might need to treat your petrol station injury, including pain medication and physical therapy.

Read more:

A complete list of recoverable losses in a personal injury claim

How did your injury happen?

Petrol station injury claims are usually referred to as public place, or occupiers' liability, claims. Click on the icons below to learn more:

No win, no fee petrol station injury compensation claims

With no win, no fee, you can claim petrol station injury compensation without financial risk. If your claim isn't successful, you pay nothing. If you win, you only pay a pre-agreed percentage of your compensation.

Find out more about how no win, no fee claims work

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Chris Salmon, Director

Chris Salmon, Director