If an airbag injury has set you back, we'll help you move forward

An airbag injury is a trauma caused by an airbag deployment in a vehicle accident, often needing emergency treatment or surgery for fractures or abrasions.

If your life, or the life of a loved one, has been affected by an airbag injury, we can help. If your injuries were caused by another driver, cyclist, pedestrian or any other road user, you may be entitled to claim compensation.

You can make a No Win, No Fee road injury compensation claim with the help and support of a personal injury solicitor.

You are not alone

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (rospa.com) recommend that airbags, when used with seatbelts, are an effective secondary measure to protect drivers and car passengers.

Although evidence suggests that airbags can significantly reduce the likelihood of serious injury, an airbag can still give rise to injury when it deploys. According to recent BMJ research, there are numerous reports of injuries directly attributable to airbag deployment (emj.bmj.com).

Even if the airbag has protected you from worse harm, you may still be able to claim compensation for airbag-related injuries

If you decide to make an airbag injury claim, your road accident solicitor will take you through every step of the claims process. Your solicitor will be with you until you win your claim and get the compensation you need to move forward.

What if the driver was uninsured or untraceable?

If the driver responsible for the injury is either uninsured or untraceable, a claim can be pursued through the Motor Insurers' Bureau (MIB).

The MIB is an independent that pays road accident compensation to the victims of uninsured or untraced (unidentified) drivers.

MIB compensation claims

How much compensation can I claim for an airbag injury?

Your compensation for your airbag injury depends on:

  • the severity of your injury,
  • the ways in which your injury affects your daily activities and job,
  • any financial losses or costs you have incurred due to your injury.

Airbag injury compensation calculator

Find out how much compensation you could claim in just a few minutes. Check your legal eligibility and see if you qualify for a No Win, No Fee claim.

Updated February 2025 Compensation Calculator v3.1

General damages are awarded for pain, suffering and loss of amenity (PSLA). Awards for general damages are set by the Judicial College (judiciary.uk) and published in their guidelines for personal injury awards.

Special damages will be awarded for any lost earnings, loss of commission or bonuses, and loss of pension contributions. It may also be possible to claim for loss of future earnings, if the medical prognosis establishes that you won't be able to work for any period in the future.

These damages will also cover the cost of any medical procedures you might need to treat or recover from your airbag injury such as pain medication and physical therapy.

Read more:

A complete list of recoverable losses in a personal injury claim

How is compensation calculated if I have multiple injuries?

Average airbag injury compensation payouts

The following airbag injury payouts refer to the Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages in Personal Injury Cases, 17th Edition by the Judicial College (oup.com).

These tables are used by solicitors or by the courts as a starting point when calculating your compensation.

Please note: these average figures represent general damages only, and do not include any element of special damages (e.g. lost wages).

Chest injuries

Example Amount
Serious pain and/or disability for several weeks Up to £4,380
Full uncomplicated recovery £2,440 to £5,910
A chest injury with no significant, permanent lung damage (e.g. a penetrating chest wound) £13,970 to £19,930
Some ongoing disability £34,740 to £60,840

Neck injury

Example Amount
Soft tissue injury £2,720 to £8,750
Fracture or dislocation injuries, or worsening of existing conditions, including wrenching, disc lesions and cervical spondylosis £27,730 to £42,700
Severe fractures, dislocation, soft tissue damage, ruptured tendons, and/or chronic disability £50,450 to £62,120

Non-facial body scars

Example Amount
Burns with scarring and ongoing pain £2,630 to £8,690
Scarring such as an exploratory laparotomy scar Around £9,590
A noticeable laceration scar or single disfiguring scar £8,690 to £25,220

Post-traumatic stress

Example Amount
Full, or near full, recovery within 1 to 2 years £4,380 to £9,070
Mostly complete recovery £9,070 to £25,680

Tinnitus & Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Example Amount
Up to £7,780
£8,080 to £13,970


Example Amount
Up to £220
£220 to £1,200
£1,200 to £3,830

Psychological trauma following a road accident

Have you been mentally or emotionally affected by a road accident? You are not alone.

According to our 2025 Road Injury Claimant Survey, 32.47% of injured road users suffered a psychological injury, 78.53% of these alongside a physical injury.

Sudden airbag deployment can cause shock, amaxophobia (fear of driving or being a passenger), and PTSD.

Claiming general damages for mental and emotional distress can help provide access to mental health care and therapies, some of which might not be available through the NHS.

Our compensation calculator can estimate your compensation for psychological injuries. Or you can call us on 0800 376 1001 to speak to a specialist advisor.

Am I entitled to make an airbag injury claim?

You can make a claim for an airbag injury, if:

  • you were made ill within the last 3 years, and;
  • another party was at fault, and;
  • that party had a legal duty to protect you.

Use our injury claim calculator to find out if you can claim. Or you can call 0800 376 1001 to speak to a specialist advisor. Find out in minutes if you have a claim.

What happens if I share some of the blame?

Figuring out who is legally at fault for an accident can sometimes be complex and nuanced.

According to our recent 2025 Road Injury Claimant Survey, 5.24% of injured road users thought that their actions could have contributed, either in part or wholly, to their injuries.

Claims are possible even when your actions partially caused the accident. In instances of 'contributory negligence', claims are usually settled with a split liability agreement.

Read more:

Can I claim if I feel I was partly responsible for my accident?

How long do I have to start an airbag injury claim?

An injury claim will usually need to be made within 3 years of the date or your accident or injury.

For injured children, a claim can be started by a parent or guardian at any time before they turn 18. Thereafter, the injured individual has until their 21st birthday to make a claim on their own.

Common airbag injuries

Because an airbag needs to inflate very quickly to protect passengers from impact, the process of deploying the bag is sudden and explosive. The force needed to deploy the airbag can cause injury.

Injury claims include:

  • Respiratory and eye infections from the propellant used to inflate the airbag
  • Burns from combustion of the airbag
  • Facial bruising and abrasions from the force of airbag deployment
  • Hearing loss as a result of noise from the explosive
  • Broken bones from bracing against panel as airbag deploys
  • Chest injuries from speed of deployment including rib and sternum fractures
  • Rupture of aorta and other heart injuries
  • Damaged cosmetic implants

See also:

Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) claims

Car accident compensation claims

Defective airbags

If you have been injured as a result of a defective airbag, including where the mechanism failed to properly deploy in an accident, you may be able to make a defective product compensation claim.

If the airbag is found to be defective in design or manufacture, the injured party does not need to prove negligence, as this would fall under strict liability law.

To claim compensation for a defective airbag, the injured party must supply evidence that proves the airbag contained an 'unreasonably dangerous' defect that resulted in harm. A defect might include:

  • A flaw in design
  • A mistake made during manufacturing
  • A mistake made during assembly
  • A mistake in assembly
  • Failure by the manufacturer to provide necessary warning labels or directions in the vehicle user manual for safe and correct airbag use.

See also:

Defective product compensation claims

Claiming compensation for airbag injuries

In order to make a claim, another party must be legally responsible for the accident.

This party could be the person responsible for the car crash, the car manufacturer, or the manufacturer of the airbag if the equipment is found to be faulty.

Can I make a no win, no fee airbag injury claim?

Yes. With no win, no fee, you can claim airbag injury compensation without financial risk. If your claim isn't successful, you pay nothing. If you win, you only pay a pre-agreed percentage of your compensation.

Find out more about how no win, no fee claims work

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  • No obligation to claim
  • No Win No Fee solicitors

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Chris Salmon, Director

Chris Salmon, Director