Injured on an escalator or lift? We can help you claim compensation
Being injured on an escalator or in a lift can be an unexpected and frightening experience. From trips and falls to sudden malfunctions, these types of accidents can lead to serious injuries that may disrupt your everyday life, work, and mobility. If you've been hurt due to a faulty escalator or lift, or negligent maintenance, you can claim compensation.
You can make a No Win, No Fee compensation claim for an accident in a public place with the help and support of a personal injury solicitor.
Key advice when you claim for an escalator or lift accident
- Owners and operators of public premises must ensure that lifts, escalators, revolving doors and other mechanisms are safe and regularly maintained.
- You can claim if your accident was due to mechanical failure, poor maintenance, or operator negligence.
- You can also claim if the lift or escalator mechanism lacked suitable safety features, including emergency stop buttons or handrails.
- There is a 3-year time limit from the date of the accident to start your claim.
- Your compensation is based on how serious your injury is, and on the expenses and losses you have experienced due to the accident. Check our compensation calculator to see how much you could claim.
- Your claim can proceed on a no win, no fee basis.
You are not alone
According to the Lift and Escalator Industry Association (, there are around 250,000 passenger and goods lifts in the UK.
Escalator and lift injuries are relatively common and as such, are addressed in a specific section in The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 (
If you decide to make an escalator or lift injury claim, your personal injury solicitor will take you through every step of the claims process. Your solicitor will be with you until you win your claim and get the compensation you need to move forward.How much compensation can I claim for an escalator or lift accident?
Your compensation for an injury caused by an escalator or lift depends on:
- how significant your injury is,
- the ways in which your injury affects your daily activities and job,
- any financial burdens or costs arising from the accident.
Escalator or lift injury
compensation calculator
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Updated February 2025
Compensation Calculator v3.1
General damages are awarded for pain, suffering and loss of amenity (PSLA). Awards for general damages are set by the Judicial College ( and published in their guidelines for personal injury awards.
Special damages will be awarded for any lost earnings, loss of commission or bonuses, and loss of pension contributions. It may also be possible to claim for loss of future earnings, if the medical prognosis establishes that you won't be able to work for any period in the future.
These damages will also cover the cost of any medical procedures you might need to treat or recover from your injury such as pain medication and psychological support.
Read more:
A complete list of recoverable losses in a personal injury claim
How is compensation calculated if I have multiple injuries?
Average escalator or lift injury compensation payouts
The following escalator or lift injury payouts refer to the Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages in Personal Injury Cases, 17th Edition by the Judicial College (
These tables are used by solicitors or by the courts as a starting point when calculating your compensation.
Please note: these average figures represent general damages only, and do not include any element of special damages (e.g. lost wages).
Achilles tendon injury
Severity | Example | Amount |
Minor (relatively) | Twisted ankle with some tendon damage and full recovery | £8,060 to £13,970 |
Moderate | Partial rupture with pain and some loss of function | £13,970 to £23,370 |
Serious | Severed tendon fully repaired with surgery | £27,730 to £33,380 |
Ankle injury
Severity | Example | Amount |
Minor (relatively) | Minor fractures, sprains, and ligament injuries with full recovery | Up to £15,250 |
Moderate | A fracture or ligament injury with mild ongoing symptoms | £15,250 to £29,500 |
Severe | Lengthy treatment required, and your ability to walk has been permanently affected | £34,740 to £55,540 |
Back injury
Severity | Example | Amount |
Minor (relatively) | A back sprain, disc prolapse, soft tissue injury or minor fracture that fully recovers without surgery | £2,720 to £13,870 |
Moderate | A disc lesion, prolapse, fracture or soft tissue injury leading to chronic conditions, including pain, mobility issues, impaired sexual function, psychological effects, a risk of arthritis, spondylolisthesis, and nerve root irritation | £13,870 to £30,800 |
Severe | Severe spinal cord damage, nerve root damage, disc lesions, fractures and soft tissues leading to serious chronic conditions | £43,020 to £178,590 |
Finger injury
Severity | Example | Amount |
Amputation | Amputation of the little finger | £9,590 to £13,580 |
Relatively minor injury | Finger fractures that recover in under 6 months, and/or injuries with tenderness, pain in cold weather, or scarring | Up to £5,270 |
Amputation | Amputation of the ring or index finger | Around £27,730 |
Index finger fracture | Fracture fully heals, but with ongoing pain, disability and an increased risk of osteoarthritis | £10,110 to £13,570 |
Amputation | Amputation of the terminal phalanges of the index and middle fingers | Around £24,200 |
Serious injury | to ring or middle finger | £11,450 to £18,130 |
Amputation of fingers | Where your grip is severely weakened and/or you are unable to use your hand | £68,680 to £100,680 |
Finger fractures | Fractures that cause deformity, affect sensation, and/or have a long term affect on your grip and ability to use your hand | Up to £40,760 |
Foot injury
Severity | Example | Amount |
Modest | Simple metatarsal fractures, ruptured ligaments, or puncture wounds | Up to £15,250 |
Moderate | Displaced metatarsal fractures, deformity and/or continuing symptoms, where further surgery is required | £15,250 to £27,730 |
Serious | Injuries affecting your mobility, including fracture of both heels or feet, heel fusion, osteoporosis, ulceration and symptoms including deformity that requires a brace | £27,730 to £43,490 |
Severe | Serious mobility restrictions, with considerable ongoing pain caused by injuries including degloving or heel fusion, and that requires extensive surgery. | £46,560 to £77,690 |
Hand injury
Severity | Example | Amount |
Minor (relatively) injuries to one or both hands | A fracture or break recovering within 6 months, and/or with scarring, tenderness and pain in cold weather | Up to £5,270 |
Moderate injuries to one or both hands | Moderate crush injuries, penetrating wounds, or deep cuts | £6,280 to £14,730 |
Moderate/serious injuries to one or both hands | Serious crush injury that causes impaired function andthat cannot be resolved with surgery | £16,040 to £32,170 |
Serious injuries to one hand | Amputation of fingers and/or part of the hand, or a serious hand injury causing a reduction of grip, dexterity and cosmetic damage | £32,170 to £68,680 |
Knee injury
Severity | Example | Amount |
Minor (relatively) | E.g. dislocation, torn cartilage or meniscus, that could cause future symptoms or weakness, or that exacerbated an existing injury | Up to £15,250 |
Moderate | More serious knee injuries with a greater risk of future symptoms, pain and weakness | £16,460 to £29,050 |
Serious | E.g. a leg fracture that extends to the knee joint, or injuries that cause constant pain and restricted movement, and/or a risk of osteoarthritis or future knee surgery | £29,050 to £48,210 |
Neck injury
Severity | Example | Amount |
Minor (relatively) | Soft tissue injury | £2,720 to £8,750 |
Moderate | Fracture or dislocation injuries, or worsening of existing conditions, including wrenching, disc lesions and cervical spondylosis | £27,730 to £42,700 |
Serious | Severe fractures, dislocation, soft tissue damage, ruptured tendons, and/or chronic disability | £50,450 to £62,120 |
Pelvis and hip injury
Severity | Example | Amount |
Minor (relatively) | Injury with no residual disability and complete recovery in under 2 years | £4,380 to £13,970 |
Moderate | Ongoing symptoms but no major disability | £13,970 to £43,460 |
Serious | Including fracture of acetabulum and injuries with a risk of future hip replacement surgery or leg instability | £43,460 to £58,250 |
Toe injury
Severity | Example | Amount |
Moderate | Simple fractures or cuts, with discomfort and scarring, or worsening of an existing condition | Up to £10,650 |
Serious | Multiple fractures of two or more toes or a serious injury to your big toe, and/or permanent disability from pain or sensitive scarring | £10,650 to £15,250 |
Severe | Crush injuries to one or more toes, possibly requiring amputation, and other injuries resulting in severe damage | £15,250 to £23,370 |
Amputation | Of the big toe | Around £34,740 |
Amputation of all toes | Of all toes | £40,520 to £62,210 |
Wrist injury
Severity | Example | Amount |
Lesser | Relatively minor soft tissue injury or displaced fracture, with a full recovery within 12 months | £3,920 to £5,260 |
Moderate | Uncomplicated Colles' fracture | Around £8,250 |
Moderate | Fracture or soft tissue injury with complete recovery | £6,750 to £11,480 |
Psychological trauma following an injury or illness
If you have experienced psychological issues in addition to physical symptoms, you are not alone.
Our 2025 Public Place Injury Claimant Survey reveals the extent of psychological trauma, with 29.03% of claims involving a psychological injury, 70.97% of which related to a physical injury.
Injuries from escalator or lift accidents can lead to a phobia of using them again (climacophobia or bathmophobia). PTSD can make it difficult for an affected person to be in many public spaces, from shopping centres to offices.
A specialist solicitor will consider psychological harm when calculating your compensation. Psychiatric injuries are recognised in the official guidelines for compensation, and the cost of treatment and other mental health support should be included in your compensation award or settlement.
Our compensation calculator can estimate your compensation for psychological injuries. Or you can call us on 0800 376 1001 to speak to a specialist advisor.
Am I entitled to make an escalator or lift injury claim?
You can start a compensation claim for an escalator or lift accident, if:
- you were injured within the last 3 years, and;
- another person was to blame, and;
- that person owed a duty of care to prevent foreseeable hazards.
Use our injury claim calculator to find out if you can claim. Or you can call 0800 376 1001 to speak to a specialist advisor. Find out in minutes if you have a claim.
Can I claim compensation if I was partly at fault?
The law concerning liability (or blame) for an accident is complex, and varies depending on the situation.
In our 2025 Public Liability Injury Claimant Survey, 17.45% of respondents believed they were partly responsible for their injuries, or were uncertain.
Claiming compensation is still an option even if you were partly at fault. These contributory negligence cases are typically resolved with a split-liability agreement.
Read more:
Can I claim if I feel I was partly responsible for my accident?
How long after an escalator or lift injury do I have to claim compensation?
An injury claim will usually need to be made within 3 years of the date or your accident or injury.
For injured children, a claim can be started by a parent or guardian at any time before they turn 18. Thereafter, the injured individual has until their 21st birthday to make a claim on their own.
What are the risks of using lifts and escalators?
Although it is a common fear to be trapped in a falling lift or to get clothing caught in the teeth of an escalator, the majority of lifts and escalators are very safe and accidents are unlikely.
The most common injuries are minor and may never be reported, such as trips, bumps and pinched fingers.
However, when lifts and escalators are not properly fitted or maintained, accidents do occur.
Lift and escalator injury statistics
The latest figures available are published by the Lift and Escalator Industry Association.
The data shows that a single year there were:
- 326 minor accidents
- 5 accidents reported to RIDDOR (
- 5 serious injuries
- 1 fatality
Lift and escalator safety
A lift car failing to stop at the correct place may cause a tripping hazard for those entering or alighting; the doors may close on lift users, or a lift may stop mid floor with occupants trapped inside.
At worst a lift may fall down the lift shaft.
Escalators should be fitted with an emergency stop mechanism, triggered when clothing or limbs or fingers become caught in its teeth. If this fails, a person's limb could be pulled into the escalator.
If escalator stairs have become slippery, users may sustain injury through falling.
Sudden stops in either lifts or on escalators may also lead to injuries through falls.
What should I do if injured by a faulty lift or escalator?
Owners of lifts and escalators have a duty to maintain them to ensure they are safe to use. If they have not done so and an accident occurs as a result, then it may be possible to claim compensation for personal injury.
It is essential to report the incident to any staff or the owner at the time. Where an accident book is available, the incident should be recorded. The names and addresses of any witnesses to the accident should also be documented, and photographs of the area where the accident happened should be taken if possible.
Receipts of any prescription costs and travelling expenses incurred as a result of the accident should be kept to form part of an expenses claim.
An accident on lift or escalator may also lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; manifesting itself with a continuous and debilitating fear of using lifts or escalators.
How did your injury happen?
Escalator or lift injury claims are usually referred to as public or occupiers' liability claims. Click on the icons below to learn more:
Can I make a no win, no fee escalator or lift injury claim?
Yes. With no win, no fee, you can claim escalator or lift injury compensation without financial risk. If your claim isn't successful, you pay nothing. If you win, you only pay a pre-agreed percentage of your compensation.
Get expert advice now
Interested in talking to an injury specialist about your claim?
- Calls are FREE
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- No Win No Fee solicitors
Call 0800 376 1001
or arrange a callbackSources
LEIA - Lift and Escalator Industry Association advisory body for the lift and escalator industry (reviewed: 30/07/2024)
RIDDOR - Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 - HSE (reviewed: 01/08/2024)
The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 (reviewed: 31/07/2024)
Gaynor Haliday, Legal researcher
About the author
Gaynor Haliday is an experienced legal researcher and published author. She has had numerous articles published in the press and is a legal industry commentator.