If you have suffered organ damage due to someone else's negligence, we're here to help

Internal organ injuries can be serious and potentially life-threatening conditions that can result from trauma, surgical complications, or accidents, and often require immediate medical intervention to prevent long-term health consequences. These injuries can disrupt bodily functions and may lead to chronic health issues, extensive medical treatment, and a lengthy recovery process.

If your life, or the life of a loved one, has been affected by injury or injury affecting your heart, lungs, digestive system or other organs, we can help.

You can make a No Win, No Fee compensation claim with the help and support of a personal injury solicitor.

What to consider when making an organ damage claim

  • You can make a claim whether your injury happened at work, in a road accident, or in a public place.
  • You can claim if the damage occurred due to an error made by a doctor or other medical staff, such as a medication error or misdiagnosis.
  • You can still claim compensation if the damage happened gradually over time (e.g. from exposure to hazardous chemicals)
  • Typical payouts can range from around £1,000 for mild digestive issues to over £200,000 for severe damage to bowels or kidneys.
  • You must start your claim within 3 years from when the injury occurred, or when you learned the damage was caused by someone's negligence.
  • You can start a claim with no win, no fee.
  • The amount of compensation you can claim depends on the severity of the damage, the prospects for recovery, and also on your financial losses or expenses. Use our compensation calculator to find out how much you could receive.

Over 11,000 are hospitalised with organ injuries each year, you are not alone

From our analysis of NHS England data, 11,343 people were admitted with internal organ injuries in 2022-23, including burns and corrosion caused by hazardous substances (digital.nhs.uk).

Compensation claims for injuries internal organ can arise from a variety of situations, from road traffic accidents to accidents in the workplace and criminal acts. Although more commonly the result of blunt trauma, injuries to internal organs can also occur as the result of surgical error.

When assessing compensation awards, the courts recognise that damage to one or more internal organs can lead to significant pain and suffering. In many cases, the injury also requires a lengthy recovery period, which will also be factored into an award.

How much compensation can I claim for organ damage?

The compensation you can claim for organ damage is based on:

  • how severe your injury is,
  • the effect of your injury on your daily routine and ability to work,
  • the losses and expenses you?ve incurred as a result of your injury.

Internal organ injury compensation calculator

Find out how much compensation you could claim in just a few minutes. Check your legal eligibility and see if you qualify for a No Win, No Fee claim.

Updated January 2025 Compensation Calculator v3.1

General damages are awarded for pain, suffering and loss of amenity (PSLA). Awards for general damages are set by the Judicial College (judiciary.uk) and published in their guidelines for personal injury awards.

Special damages will be awarded for any lost earnings, loss of commission or bonuses, and loss of pension contributions. It may also be possible to claim for loss of future earnings, if the medical prognosis establishes that you won't be able to work for any period in the future.

These damages will also cover the cost of any medical procedures you might need to treat or recover from your internal organ injury such as surgery, monitoring, pain medication and antibiotics.

Read more:

A complete list of recoverable losses in a personal injury claim

How is compensation calculated if I have multiple injuries?

Average internal organ injury general damages compensation table

The following internal organ injury payouts refer to the Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages in Personal Injury Cases, 17th Edition by the Judicial College (oup.com).

These tables are used by solicitors or by the courts as a starting point when calculating your compensation.

Please note: these average figures represent general damages only, and do not include any element of special damages (e.g. lost wages).

Abdominal injury

Example Amount
A serious non-penetrating injury, with permanent complications (e.g severe indigestion) £18,630 to £30,800
Including severe digestive system damage, ongoing pain, permanent complications, penetrating stab wounds and serious lacerations £47,720 to £68,680

Bladder injury

Example Amount
£25,970 to £34,740
£70,980 to £88,670
Up to £156,070
Up to £204,350

Bowel injury

Example Amount
Returning to natural function & bladder control £13,970 to £27,150
You require a temporary colostomy, your diet, daily life and work is affected £49,470 to £77,360
Surgery is required, and/or your symptoms cause embarassment & distress Around £88,660
A colostomy is required Up to £166,540
Double incontinence and/or other medical complications Up to £204,350

Chest injuries

Example Amount
Serious pain and/or disability for several weeks Up to £4,380
Full uncomplicated recovery £2,440 to £5,910
Some lung damage, but lung function is not affected £5,910 to £13,970
A chest injury with no significant, permanent lung damage (e.g. a penetrating chest wound) £13,970 to £19,930
Some ongoing disability £34,740 to £60,840
Lung function is significantly affected, causing disability and/or reduced life expectancy £72,950 to £111,680
Possible serious heart damage;Serious prolonged pain;Serious scarring; £111,680 to £166,540

Digestive problems

Example Amount
Pain, cramps and diahorea lasting days or weeks £1,010 to £4,380
Food poisoning, cramps, and affected bowel function, with full recovery in one to two years £4,380 to £10,580
Serious food poisoning, possibly leading to toxicosis, hospital admission and IBS, affecting your work and quality of life £42,640 to £58,250

Kidney injury

Example Amount
Risk of future UTI or total loss of natural kidney function Up to £70,980
Loss of one kidney with no damage to the other £34,140 to £49,780
Serious damage to both kidneys £187,940 to £233,440

Lung disease

Example Amount
Temporary aggravation of existing bronchitis or other chest problems, with recovery in a few months £2,450 to £5,910
Slight breathlessness with no effect on your working life, with full recovery expected within a few years likely £11,810 to £23,070
Bronchitis and wheezing with little or no impact on your work or social life £23,070 to £34,740
Breathing difficulties and/or asthma that requires frequent use of an inhaler, and that affects your daily life and ability to work £34,740 to £60,840
Emphysema and other lung conditions with symptoms including difficulty breathing and impaired lung function that affects your life and work £60,810 to £77,690
Typically in an older person, causing severe pain, reduced lung function and lower quality of life £77,690 to £107,990
Typically affecting a younger person, leading to a reduced life expectancy and quality of life £111,680 to £150,780

Spleen injury

Example Amount
With no risk of disorder or infection £4,830 to £9,590
With continuing risk of disorder or infection £23,070 to £29,170

Do I qualify for internal organ injury compensation?

Yes, you are entitled to make an injury claim for organ damage, if:

  • you became ill in the last 3 years, and;
  • another party was to blame, and;
  • that party owed a duty of care to protect you from foreseeable risks.

Find out online if you can claim with our injury claim calculator. Alternatively, you can speak to a claims advisor on 0800 376 1001 and find out if you have a claim in minutes.

My injury was partly my fault - can I still claim?

Cases where the defendant and claimant are both partly to blame are actually quite commonplace in personal injury claims.

In our 2025 Personal Injury Claimant Survey, 13.99% of respondents believed they were partly responsible for their injuries, or were uncertain.

Claims are possible even when your actions partially caused the accident. In instances of 'contributory negligence', claims are usually settled with a split liability agreement.

Read more:

Can I claim if I feel I was partly responsible for my accident?

How long after an internal organ injury do I have to start a claim?

For most injury claims, you have up to 3 years from the date of your injury to start the claims process.

If you were injured due to someone else's negligence but didn't realise it at the time, the clock starts ticking from the 'date of knowledge' - the day you become aware of your injury.

The 3 year limitation period does not apply to minors (under 18s). A parent, guardian or litigation friend can start a claim on a child's behalf up to their 18th birthday and the child has until their 21st birthday to claim for themselves.

Diagnosis and medical reports

Some internal organ injuries are easily diagnosed, for example where penetration has occurred or where symptoms are obvious. In other instances, a delay in diagnosis can occur as the injuries are not always immediately apparent. This can lead to a deferral in treatment and further complications, such as major blood loss, infection or organ failure.

A prompt and correct diagnosis is an important step not only for recovery, but also when pursuing a claim. Medical reports and expert opinion can provide vital evidence, including detailing the cause of the injury.

Common internal organ damage claims

Workplace accidents

Many injuries to internal organs are sustained in the workplace. Workers in certain industries, such as construction and manufacturing, are particularly at risk. Classified as 'major incidents' by RIDDOR, examples of injuries that result in organ damage include, crush injuries caused by forklifts and similar vehicles and blunt trauma injuries sustained through falls or after being struck by a moving object.

See also:

Building site injury claims

Factory and manufacturing injury claims

Road traffic accidents

Road traffic accidents are another major cause of internal organ injuries. They can affect drivers, passengers and pedestrians alike. Examples include receiving blunt trauma from a seatbelt or steering wheel on impact, being crushed by a car or motorbike or receiving a deep puncture wound from sharp material such as glass or metal.

See also:

Pedestrian accident compensation claims

Motorcycle accident compensation claims

Surgical negligence (iatrogenic injuries)

Whenever a person undergoes a surgical procedure, there is always a possibility of damage to the organ being operated on or an adjacent organ. For example, a hysterectomy could result in perforation of the bowel, kidney surgery could result in damage to the liver or a slip of the knife could cause an unwelcome incision in the heart.

Claims for criminal injury

A claim for criminal injury compensation can be made even in the event that the identity of the assailant is unknown.

Claims of this kind are made through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA). Your solicitor will be able to assist with claims made to CICA.

Although injuries can affect any of the internal organs, some are more commonly seen in compensation claims. These include:

  • Ruptured spleen caused by abdominal trauma
  • Liver, kidney or bowel damage caused by abdominal trauma
  • Perforation of the bowel during surgery
  • Punctured lung caused by broken ribs
  • Heart or brain injury claims as a result of a ruptured aorta
  • Hernia as a result of surgery

See also:

Kidney injury claims

Bowel injury claims

Rib injury claims

Brain injury claims

Hernia injury claims

What affects the process when claiming for internal organ injury?

The claims process depends on how your internal organ injury occurred. Click the icons below to learn more.

Can I make a no win, no fee internal organ injury claim?

Yes. With no win, no fee, you can claim internal organ injury compensation without financial risk. If your claim isn't successful, you pay nothing. If you win, you only pay a pre-agreed percentage of your compensation.

Find out more about how no win, no fee claims work

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Jenny Jones, Senior litigator

Jenny Jones, Senior litigator