Gaynor Haliday | Researcher

Gaynor Haliday is an experienced legal researcher and published author. She is an authority in various legal disciplines, including personal injury sectors.

Gaynor has worked in the fields of legal research and business development for a number of firms, including Chadwick Lawrence Solicitors LLP.

At Quittance, Gaynor leads our client-focused consumer advice team, and writes and edits in-depth articles on personal injury compensation.

Gaynor was also the Fundraising Manager for Demand. She studied at Sheffield University.

She has had numerous articles published in the press and is a legal industry commentator.

Why I joined Quittance

"Working for Quittance allows me to combine my passions for legal research and writing to provide an opportunity to deliver information in a consumer friendly format that is readily accessible to those in need of legal assistance."

Gaynor Haliday at LinkedIn.

Chris Salmon, Director

Chris Salmon, Director