Witham Sold Property Price Summary - April 2024

The average price paid for a property in WITHAM in the last 3 months was £251,596, which is £95,414 lower than the national average.

Semi-detached houses sold for an average of £345,167, which is £47,444 higher than the national average.

Terraced houses sold for an average of £294,649, which is £48,535 higher than the national average.

Witham Sold Property Price Details

22, Boydin Close, Witham, Essex, CM8 1PD (see map)(see history)
19/01/24£277,000Terraced houseFH
104, Holst Avenue, Witham, Essex, CM8 1SX (see map)(see history)
05/01/24£199,000Flat or maisonetteLH
2a, Arbour Lane, Witham, Essex, CM8 3NT (see map)(see history)
05/01/24£322,500Semi-detached houseFH
6, Station Road, Witham, Essex, CM8 1RR (see map)(see history)
03/01/24£369,250Terraced houseFH
24, Mortimer Way, Witham, Essex, CM8 1UJ (see map)(see history)
21/12/23£183,000Flat or maisonetteLH
15, Deford Road, Witham, Essex, CM8 1PW (see map)(see history)
21/12/23£285,000Terraced houseFH
3, Collar Way, Witham, Essex, CM8 1YX (see map)(see history)
20/12/23£395,000Semi-detached houseFH
2, Richards Close, Witham, Essex, CM8 1GG (see map)(see history)
18/12/23£205,000Flat or maisonetteLH
2, Atlantic Square, Witham, Essex, CM8 2TL (see map)(see history)
18/12/23£318,000Semi-detached houseFH
15, Sneezum Walk, Witham, Essex, CM8 1US (see map)(see history)
18/12/23£246,995Terraced houseFH
Newland Court, 116, Newland Street, Witham, Essex, CM8 1AL (see map)(see history)
15/12/23£75,000Flat or maisonetteLH
60, Constance Close, Witham, Essex, CM8 1XY (see map)(see history)
14/12/23£295,000Terraced houseFH
Newland Court, 208, Newland Street, Witham, Essex, CM8 1AL (see map)(see history)
11/12/23£100,000Flat or maisonetteLH

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How do I use the house price data to estimate the value my house in Witham?

Sold prices are only released when the conveyancing process is complete and the property has been registered at HMLR.

The Natiowide Building Society has, since 1952, published data put together from mortgage approval figures. This Witham house price data is a more recent picture but is not property specific.

Valuing your home

Using the Witham sold price data above, try to locate comparable properties sold recently in the same street or nearby.

You can then adjust the valuation based on any points than can increase or decrease a property's value, for instance the layout of the property or the property's condition.

The next step is to get a free valuation from an estate agent in Witham. Estate agent valuations can vary so get 4 if you can, disregard the outliers, and calculate an average.

Estate agents in Witham include:

  • Beresfords Lettings - 29 Newland Street, Witham, Essex, CM8 2AF
  • Church & Hawes - 34 The Street, Wickham Bishops, Witham, Essex, CM8 3NN
  • Fenn Wright - 64 Newland Street, Witham, Essex, CM8 1AH

If you need an official valuation, for instance probate, you could appoint a residential RICS surveyor.

For more information:

How to accurately value your home in 4 easy steps

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