Kevin Walker secures £80,000 for a catastrophic hand injury at work

Mr W, a construction worker, was injured at work when he accidentally reversed an asphalt compact roller into a stationary digger with a raised bucket. Liability for the accident was admitted early on, allowing Kevin, Mr W's solicitor, to focus on gathering evidence to support his claim for injuries and losses.

Mr W lost two fingers (ring and little) in the accident and was unable to work for several weeks. To help alleviate his immediate financial concerns, Kevin arranged for an independent advisor to assist Mr W in claiming welfare benefits.

Kevin also organised physiotherapy with a hand therapist and trauma-focused psychotherapy, including CBT and EMDR. He obtained medico-legal evidence from various experts, including a prosthetist, an orthopaedic hand surgeon, a plastic surgeon, and a clinical psychologist.

Kevin facilitated high-definition silicone prosthetic fingers for Mr W, incorporating future costs of these and other equipment in the claim. After a workplace and functional assessment arranged by Kevin, Mr W was able to return to his pre-accident role.

Mr W’s claim settled for over £80,000, covering his injuries and associated losses.

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Case studies are for informational purposes only and aim to help prospective claimants understand the injury claim process. They are based on cases handled by Quittance panel solicitors or sourced from public court records.

Chris Salmon, Director

Chris Salmon, Director