James Paget University Hospitals Compensation Claim

If you or a family member has been injured as a result of medical negligence while in the care of James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, you may be entitled to claim financial compensation. To speak to an expert about your situation, call Quittance on 0800 376 1001.

See also:

Personal injury solicitors in Norfolk

James Paget University Trust Hospital compensation claim case study

A female unemployed shop assistant, aged 61 at the date of injury and 64 at the date of settlement, was awarded an out of court settlement of £75,000 following an operation at James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

The woman had a total hip replacement operation at the hospital. During surgery she suffered a complete lesion of the peroneal division of the static nerve, and a partial lesion of the tibial division. It is likely this was caused by excessive traction over the sciatic nerve or inappropriate use of a retractor.

The day after surgery a foot drop was noted and electrophysiological tests demonstrated a static neuropathy. The claimant was left with severe neuralgic pain in the leg, significant muscle weakness, coldness of the foot and severe cramping. These symptoms would be permanent.

Despite the woman being unemployed at the time of the surgery, she has intended to return to part-time work if the hip replacement was successful. Following her injuries she was unable to work.

The NHS Trust denied liability for the injury, but no evidence was disclosed to show that it was possible to sustain such injuries without negligent treatment.

Compensation settlement

The James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust made an out of court settlement of £75,000. This included £30,000 in general damages, £20,000 for future care costs, £10,000 for equipment and adaptations to the home, and past care by family members of £14,000.

Making a compensation claim against the Royal United Hospital Bath

Making a claim for clinical negligence can be overwhelming at first. Hospital Trusts are large complex organisations, and finding out what happened can be complicated.

Our panel of solicitors have significant experience in taking on hospital trusts and securing financial compensation for people affected by clinical or medical negligence.

Call us on 0800 376 1001 to discuss your situation with a claims expert or find out what your claim could be worth.

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