Basildon & Thurrock University Hospitals Compensation Claim

If you have been injured in the care of Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, you may be entitled to claim compensation for medical negligence. To speak to an expert about your situation, call Quittance on 0800 376 1001.

See also:

Personal injury solicitors in Basildon

claim compensation for medical negligence

Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (2010) - Case Study

A 46-year-old man (51 years at trial) accepted damages of £175,000 in an out-of-court settlement after receiving an overdose of antibiotics. The claimant brought the prescription error compensation claim when the drug Linezolid was prescribed to him in a prolonged and unmonitored manner, causing significant nerve damage.

The claimant was admitted to hospital with an infected wound. Doctors prescribed Linezolid, an antibiotic, and sent the claimant home.

Some time later, the man was re-admitted to hospital with a low red blood cell count, severe anaemia and swelling in the soft tissues. Based on these symptoms, the claimant was diagnosed with leukaemia and given a life expectancy of one year. The diagnosis was incorrect. Instead, the claimant was found to have sustained peripheral neuropathy as a result of his prolonged use of Linezolid.

The nerve damage caused the claimant to lose some degree of sensation in his arms and legs. He could no longer point, flex or rotate his feet and experienced pins and needles in both legs. This affected his gait, causing him to fall over frequently.

All areas of the claimant's life were affected, from his ability to sleep to his social life. He could no longer continue with his hobbies of cricket and scuba diving, and struggled to carry out the physical tasks associated with his job as an engineer.

It was accepted that the claimant might require knee surgery in the future. If the surgery was unsuccessful, it could result in amputation above the knee.

Compensation settlement

Total damages of £175,000 (£208,052.01 RPI adjusted) were agreed in an out-of-court settlement. According to an estimate by the claimant's solicitor, the sum of £60,000 (£71,332.12 RPI adjusted) was attributed to pain, suffering and loss of amenity.

Making a compensation claim against Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Our expert panel of solicitors have years of experience taking on hospital trusts and securing financial compensation for people wishing to make a medical negligence claim.

To discuss your options with a claims expert or find out what your claim may be worth, call Quittance on 0800 376 1001.

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