£75,000 awarded for multiple injuries and scarring | Case Study

Rakhi, a member of Quittance's panel of specialist solicitors, acted for a motorcyclist injured in a collision at a junction.

The biker sustained a fractured elbow, pelvic ring and femur, as a result of another driver failing to give way at a junction.

Proving liability

Liability was disputed throughout the claim and therefore Court proceedings were issued. A locus report was obtained including evidence from independent witnesses.

The claimant underwent surgery for all three fractures and then required revisional surgery to address the residual scar following each procedure.

A Case Manager was appointed at the start of the claim and it was also necessary to re-house the claimant to alternative premises due to the nature of his injuries and unsuitability of his existing flat.

The motorbike accident claim settled for £75,000 which included a claim for disadvantage on the open labour market and future medical expenses.

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Gaynor Haliday, Legal researcher

Gaynor Haliday, Legal researcher