£4,000 awarded to man who suffered hand laceration
Compensation of £4,000 was awarded in 2014 to a 52 year-old male who suffered a laceration injury to his right hand after tripping on a driveway.
Injury Details
The claimant, aged 50 at the time at which the incident took place, was employed as a milkman.
During the course of his employment, he tripped on a wooden plank that had been left in a driveway, causing him to fall.
The crate of milk bottles that he was carrying smashed against the ground, and the smashed glass pierced his dominant right hand.
The claimant noticed immediate and continued bleeding from the side of his hand, and sought immediate medical attention to stem the flow of blood and nullify his pain.
The wound was dressed at accident and emergency, requiring the use of stitches.
Over the subsequent month, he experienced difficulties in carrying out his duties as a milkman. He would struggle to lift heavy crates of milk bottles, as it would trigger pain in his injured right hand.
He was forced to miss the day of work following the incident, and thereafter was impaired in his movements and efficiency. The initial laceration wound did not heal until approximately one month after the incident.
His condition was assessed by a medical expert after a further seven months. The claimant complained that he was still experiencing difficulty in lifting milk bottles and that this was having a substantial impact on his work.
On top of the pain suffered, he had sustained scarring on his right hand, which was tender and sensitive to contact. He also had difficulty moving his little finger, which impaired the use of his hand generally.
The scarring on his hand was relatively small in diameter and was not the source of any particular embarrassment, however his prognosis was that the movement of his little finger would be permanently impaired by the laceration.
The matter eventually progressed to a court hearing.
The claimant was successful before the judge. He was awarded general damages of £4,000 for pain, suffering and loss of amenity.
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Case studies are for informational purposes only and aim to help prospective claimants understand the injury claim process. They are based on cases handled by Quittance panel solicitors or sourced from public court records.