£3,750 awarded to woman for radiation exposure burns
Radiation exposure compensation of £3,750 was awarded to a female claimant who sustained severe burns to her back and calves as a result of excessive UVB radiation exposure.
See also:
Radiation exposure compensation claims
Injury Details
The female claimant had hired a sunbed from the defendant and used it for two short periods. The sunbed was defective and as a result the claimant suffered severe superficial burns to approximately 80% of her calves. This caused immediate reddening which led to swelling and blistering. She also suffered some soreness over her back. This settled within two days.
The claimant attended hospital where she was treated with dressings, blister aspiration and pain killers. She returned to the hospital every two days for the following two weeks for aspiration and redressing of the blisters.
She was in severe pain for two weeks and had a total of eight days off from work. The pain was most severe when the dressings were changed and she was unable to drive or walk any distance during this time.
The claimant was still suffering with some pain three years later. The pain was particularly worse if her legs were knocked or she was stood for thirty minutes. Her skin was more sensitive and she could not wear tights or leggings as these would rub. She was also embarrassed by the appearance of a red mark on her calf and so did not wear short skirts.
She remained on one dose of pain killers a day and her involvement in activities was decreased. She could no longer ride a bike or do aerobics. The claimant had three young children and could no longer play as actively with them as she could prior to the accident.
Experts advised that there was only around a one percent increase in the risk of skin cancer and skin ageing in the area.
See also:
Sunbed injury compensation claims
Conclusion and Settlement
A settlement could not be agreed between the claimant and defendant and the matter went before the Court. The Court ordered that £3,750 be paid in damages for pain, suffering and loss of amenity.
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Case studies are for informational purposes only and aim to help prospective claimants understand the injury claim process. They are based on cases handled by Quittance panel solicitors or sourced from public court records.
Gaynor Haliday, Legal researcher
About the author
Gaynor Haliday is an experienced legal researcher and published author. She has had numerous articles published in the press and is a legal industry commentator.