£300,000 compensation for blood clot causing a stroke
Compensation of £300,000 was awarded to a 76 year-old woman for a blood clot caused by poor medical care, leading to a stroke leaving permanent physical and cognitive injuries four years earlier.
See also:
Blood clot compensation claims
Medical negligence compensation claims
Injury details
The claimant suffered from atrial fibrillation, a heart condition, and had a pacemaker fitted a few years before. She had suffered blood clots and was prescribed Warfarin as a long-term treatment.
At age 71 her care was transferred to an anticoagulation clinic at the defendant hospital. Regular blood tests were carried out to help adjust the dose of Warfarin. The dose was monitored to prevent the risk of a stroke occurring.
The blood tests measured the International Normalised Ration (INR). The INR level should have been maintained at target level for at least 50% of the time. This minimised the risk of a stroke.
During twelve visits in a five month period the claimant's INR was only at the target level on two occasions.
At the end of this period the lady suffered a cardiac embolus when a blood clot broke away from her heart and lodged in her brain.
The stroke caused permanent cognitive and physical damage. The claimant needed extensive care. She was unable to walk unaided, read or concentrate and became tired easily.
The hospital was negligent insofar as the condition of the claimant was not monitored properly and corrective action was not taken.
A blood clot formed as a result of the defendant's negligence.
The resulting stroke caused psychical and cognitive damage. The claimant's quality of life was seriously reduced.
Conclusion and settlement
Liability was disputed but the matter did not progress to a Court hearing.
Compensation of £300,000 was accepted by way of an out of Court settlement.
No breakdown of damages was provided, the amount offered as a global settlement.
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Case studies are for informational purposes only and aim to help prospective claimants understand the injury claim process. They are based on cases handled by Quittance panel solicitors or sourced from public court records.