£29,378 compensation for cryptosporidium infection

£29,378.26 was awarded to a 46 year-old woman suffering with post-infective irritable bowel syndrome after experiencing cryptosporidium poisoning while on holiday five years earlier.

Injury details

The claimant was on holiday in the Dominican Republic. She was getting married and honeymooning in an all-inclusive resort. During the holiday the claimant contracted a cryptosporidium infection.

She suffered severe symptoms immediately. These included vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and feverishness.

Treatment was given while the lady was still at the hotel. The illness was still causing significant problems when she returned home to the UK.

After returning the claimant was unable to return to work. She attended hospital for treatment. A complication developed from the cryptosporidium infection.

The lady developed post-infective irritable bowel syndrome. This caused ongoing bowel problems that affected her greatly.

Her social life was restricted. She was anxious in unfamiliar places when she did not know where the nearest toilet was. She was able to return to work but the symptoms persisted and were diagnosed as permanent.


It was alleged that the defendant holiday operator was negligent insofar as they failed to inspect the hotel properly to assess hygiene. Standards were not monitored adequately or at all. The food and drink provided was not safe to consume.

As a result the claimant suffered a cryptosporidium infection.

She developed post-infective irritable bowel syndrome. The symptoms were intrusive and permanent.

Conclusion and settlement

Liability was admitted but compensation could not be agreed.

The case progressed to a Court hearing.

Compensation of £29,378.26 was accepted by way of a Court award.

£20,500 of the damages was attributed to "pain, suffering and loss of amenity."

Loss of holiday enjoyment for the wedding and honeymoon was awarded in the sum of £4,866.

£3680.21 of interest was awarded.

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Case studies are for informational purposes only and aim to help prospective claimants understand the injury claim process. They are based on cases handled by Quittance panel solicitors or sourced from public court records.