£227,000 awarded for catastrophic paraplegia injuries

A male claimant was awarded £227,000.00 as part of a paraplegia compensation claim for pain, suffering and loss of amenity when he sustained catastrophic injuries due to serious health and safety breaches at his place of work.

See also:

Health and safety breach injury claims

Paraplegia compensation claims

Work injury claims

Injury Details

The 27 year old claimant was injured in an accident at work when he was crushed by the hydraulic mechanism of a large milling machine. As a consequence he suffered serious injuries to both his spine and lower body subsequently rendering him L4/L5 paraplegic.

He also had his right leg amputated at the hip joint together with a tear of the inferior vena cava, transaction of aorta, bowel, urethra and rectus abdominus and psoas muscles. He also sustained liver contusions and comminuted fractures of the left acetabulum.

As a consequence of these injuries the claimant had to undergo significant reconstructive surgery which lead to a stay in hospital of 11 months. The claimant also suffered from endocarditis and muscle necrosis. As a result of these injuries the claimant had permanent paraplegia and would be wheelchair dependent for life. In addition the claimant had no control over bowel and bladder function and required colostomy and self-catheterisation. The claimant's sexual function was totally compromised. The claimant was also in continuing pain and would require daily full time care for the rest of his life together with a case manager and regular physiotherapy input. The claimant also required specialist aids and equipment.

There was a possibility the claimant might require further surgery and his life expectancy was reduced as a result of his injuries by approximately 11 years. The claimant would not be able to return to the open labour market and his care needs would increase as he got older and his mobility deteriorated. If the claimant wanted to have children he would need IVF treatment.


The claimant alleged that his employers breached Health & Safety Regulations causing his injuries.

Conclusion and Settlement

The claimant who was 27 at the date of the accident and 32 at the date of settlement received a lump sum payment of £2,100,000.00. In addition the claimant was going to receive periodical payments of £35,000.00 to age 50, £65,000.00 to aged 55, £80,000.00 to age 60 and £120,00.000 thereafter. The claimant was awarded general damages for pain, suffering and loss of amenity of £227,000.00.

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Case studies are for informational purposes only and aim to help prospective claimants understand the injury claim process. They are based on cases handled by Quittance panel solicitors or sourced from public court records.