£1,719 awarded for a welding injury | Case Study
A claimant was awarded £1,719 at Oxford County Court following an accident at work when he sustained a welding injury to his eyes.
Injury Details
The claimant was employed as an arc welder. During the course of his employment he needed to adjust his welding plant and in order to do this he had to lift his visor. In doing so an arc flash from a welding gun operated by a colleague who was working close by caught him in the eyes.
He sustained injuries including feeling very strong heat in his eyes and suffering from a persistent after image. The claimant described the feeling as though someone had thrown hot sand in his eyes.
Subsequently the claimant experienced soreness in his eyes which also became light sensitive and bloodshot. The claimant had to wear sunglasses for a short time and bought some eye drops to ease the gritty type feeling he had in his eyes. The claimant did not take any time off work returning to work the following day. He did however go back on different duties.
The worst symptoms resolved after one week. The claimant continued with pain and discomfort for up to eight weeks although this was exacerbated by the fact that the claimant continued with welding for that period. The total injury duration was two months.
The claimant alleged his Employers were negligent in that they failed to provide him with a safe system of work, and provided him with negligent fellow employees.
The claimant also alleged breach of Health and Safety At Work Regulations.
Conclusion and Settlement
Initially the defendant denied liability. Court Proceedings were issued. The claimant was 40 at the date of the accident and 44 at the date of trial.
The claimant was awarded £1,719 general damages for pain, suffering and loss of amenity.
See also:
Oxford personal injury solicitors
Welding injury compensation claims
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