£1,500 awarded to claimant after hotel accident abroad

A child aged 5 was awarded £1,500.00 for pain, suffering and loss of amenity in an accident which occurred in a hotel overseas.

Accident Circumstances

The claimant had gone abroad on a foreign holiday with his parents. The holiday was with a package tour and had been purchased by the claimant's parents from the


As part of their activities whilst on their holiday they had occasion to visit the hotel pool. The pool had a brick surround and on the day of the accident the claimant slipped close to the edge of the pool. He caught his knee/leg on an area of the brick surrounding the pool and sustained a vertical laceration of 1.5 cm in length below his kneecap.

Details of Injury

Three stitches were inserted but the laceration subsequently became infected and treatment was required at a hospital in the UK when they returned. The claimant's recovery was delayed due to the infection and it took over four months for the injury to settle down. He was left with a small scar approximately 15mm x 5mm in length.

The claimant's attendance at school was not affected and he managed to attend most of his lessons. Only his ability to take part in PE was compromised and this was only for two weeks.


After returning to England the claimant's parents consulted a solicitor and a claim for damages was made against the defendant tour operator. The claim was made on the basis that the defendant had failed to keep the premises safe for visitors.

The claimant's and defendant's solicitors entered into meaningful negotiations and a settlement was agreed subject to court approval.

The Judge at the child settlement approval hearing approved a settlement in the sum of £1,500 for the claimant's pain, suffering and loss of amenity.

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