£13,000 awarded for a fractured leg in a football match | Case Study
Injuries sustained in a football match led to compensation of £13,000 being awarded to a 20 year old man for the fractured leg inflicted on him in an off the ball incident two years earlier.
See also:
Sports injury compensation claims
Injury details
The claimant was playing in an amateur football match. At a time when he was not within playing distance of the ball a member of the opposition team kicked the back of his left leg.
As the claimant was not in possession or close to the ball at the time the kick appeared deliberate foul play.
The injury was immediately treated and the claimant taken to hospital. Following X-ray a diagnosis of a transverse fracture to both the tibia and fibula was made.
Treatment included surgery to repair the fracture. An operation to insert nails and bolts to secure the bone was carried out.
After the surgery the claimant was unable to work for six weeks. On his return to work he was confined to light duties for a further six weeks.
The movement in his ankle, knee and foot was impaired. Recovery of full movement took two years from the date of the accident.
The claimant was left after two years with a feeling of sensitivity where the nails and bolts had been inserted into his leg.
It was alleged that the defendant deliberately, negligently, or both, kicked the back of the claimant's legs. The ball was not being played by either the claimant or defendant, nor was it close by.
It was maintained the actions of the defendant were deliberate, dangerous and negligent.
The kick caused a serious fracture to both bones in the claimant's leg requiring surgery to insert nails and bolts.
The claimant was unable to work as normal for twelve weeks following the injury. He suffered restricted movement for a period of two years in total.
Conclusion and settlement
Liability was admitted and the matter did not proceed to Court.
Compensation was accepted of £13,000 by way of an out of Court settlement. £9,500 of the damages was attributed to "pain, suffering and loss of amenity." In addition £1,500 was awarded for future medical costs.
£2,000 was accepted in lieu of care costs, travel expenses and sundry expenses.
How can Quittance help with a sporting injury compensation claim?
If you have been injured in a sports related accident that was not your fault you may be entitled to make a sports injury claim. For a no obligation consultation call us on 0800 612 7456 or fill in a quick online form and we will call you back.
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Case studies are for informational purposes only and aim to help prospective claimants understand the injury claim process. They are based on cases handled by Quittance panel solicitors or sourced from public court records.