Case studies - Asbestos | Case Studies
If either you or a family member have been affected by asbestosis, mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease, as the result of working conditions, you have a right to claim compensation.
The UK has some of the highest rates of asbestos disease in the world (Government statistics), and the charity Mesothelioma UK estimates that over 2,000 people are diagnosed with the disease each year.
Even if your employer has gone out of business, it should still be possible to recover compensation.
We can help you make an asbestos disease compensation claim. Your solicitor will have years of experience handling asbestos-related claims, with an excellent track record of securing compensation for affected claimants and their families.
Asbestos-related case examples:
428,061 Damages Awarded for Mesothelioma Case
Joiner Wins 175,000 Claim for Mesothelioma
169K Damages Awarded for Contracting Asbestosis
45,850 Damages for Plumber with Asbestosis
£9K Damages for 62 Year Old with Pleural Plaques
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Case studies are for informational purposes only and aim to help prospective claimants understand the injury claim process. They are based on cases handled by Quittance panel solicitors or sourced from public court records.