Research shows MRI scans can find evidence of whiplash injuries
An ongoing study by a world-renowned pioneer of MRI scanning techniques, Professor Francis Smith of Aberdeen, has shown that whiplash injuries are often not picked up by traditional scanning practices.
See also: Making a whiplash injury claim
Vulnerable to whiplash
It appears that many doctors fail to look for injury at the craniocervical junction, a complex area of ligaments and tissues connecting the top of the spine to the skull. This area is vulnerable to whiplash, but by only looking for problems with the intervertebral discs, many surgeons are failing to identify the injuries.
Dispelling soft-tissue injury diagnosis myths
In his study of 200 people, Professor Smith found as many as 70% of patients had previously undiagnosed problems at the craniocervical junction, meaning they were not adequately treated for their whiplash pain. Once detected, a simple surgical procedure can be carried out, which involves stabilising the joint with a screw-like implant.
With the diagnosis of whiplash becoming more controversial and new legislation proposing a ban on personal injury claims that are not supported by medical evidence, it is important that patients with persistent neck pain caused by whiplash are referred to specialists who can carry out the detailed MRI scans required.
Scans carried out while the patient is upright rather than lying down may be more effective at detecting craniocervical injury, since the head can be more easily moved into positions that reveal the damage caused.
Although the most common causes of whiplash are road traffic accidents, whiplash can occur through slips or falls that jolt the head backwards and by sudden blows to the head during contact sports such as rugby and boxing.
Failing to get the right treatment for whiplash may lead to long-term damage, including constant head, neck and arm pain, pins and needles, tiredness and memory loss.
Gaynor Haliday, Legal researcher
About the author
Gaynor Haliday is an experienced legal researcher and published author. She has had numerous articles published in the press and is a legal industry commentator.